Gustar and similar verbs Using the verb gustar • Though gustar is translated as to like in English, its literal meaning is to please . Gustar is preceded by an indirect object pronoun indicating the person who is pleased . It is followed by a noun indicating the thing or person that pleases . INDIRECT OBJECT PRONOUN SUBJECT Me I ¿Te Do you gusta like gustan like la película. the movie. ( literally: The movie pleases me.) los conciertos de rock? rock concerts? ( literally: Do rock concerts please you?) • Because the thing or person that pleases is the subject, gustar agrees in person and number with it. Most commonly the subject is third person singular or plural. Singular subject Plural subject Nos gust a la música de Celia Cruz. We like Celia Cruz’s music. Me gust an las quesadillas. I like quesadillas. Les gust a su casa nueva. They like their new house. ¿Te gust an las películas románticas? Do you like romantic movies? • When gustar is followed by one or more verbs in the infinitive, the singular form of gustar is always used. No nos gusta llegar tarde. We don’t like to arrive late. Les gusta cantar y bailar. They like to sing and dance. • Gustar is often used in the conditional ( me gustaría ) to soften a request. Me gustaría un refresco, por favor. I would like a soda, please. ¿Te gustaría salir con mi amigo? Would you like to go out with my friend? 1.1 TALLER DE CONSULTA These additional grammar topics are covered in the Manual de gramática , Lección 1 . 1.4 Nouns and articles, p. A2. 1.5 Present tense, p. A6. — ¡Perdimos a tu hermano! ¿No te importa ? TALLER DE CONSULTA See 2.2 , page 62 for object pronouns. ESTRUCTURAS 18 Lección 1 Objetivo comunicativo: Hacer y contestar preguntas sobre los gustos Tutorial