Teacher’s Edition • Lesson Five 223 Student Resources Cuaderno de actividades , p. 139 Online Activities, eCuaderno Teacher Resources Workbook TE; Textbook and Testing Audio online; Testing Audio Script; Assessment Program Tests Creativity and Innovation Ask students to prepare a list of the three products or perspectives they learned about in this lesson to share with the class. You may ask them to focus specifically on the Cultura and Panorama sections. Leadership and Responsibility Extension Project As a class, have students decide on three questions they want to ask the partner class related to the topic of the lesson they have just completed. Based on the responses they receive, work as a class to explain to the Spanish-speaking partners one aspect of their responses that surprised the class and why. 21 s t Centur y Skills 21 s t Centur y Skills Los viajes y las vacaciones El hotel Adjetivos Los números ordinales Palabras adicionales Seasons, months, and dates Weather expressions Direct object pronouns Expresiones útiles See page 188. See page 188. See page 208. See page 193. el ascensor el/la botones la cama el/la empleado/a la habitación individual, doble el hotel el/la huésped la llave el piso la planta baja elevator bellhop bed employee single, double room hotel guest key floor (of a building) ground floor abierto/a aburrido/a alegre amable avergonzado/a cansado/a cerrado/a cómodo/a confundido/a contento/a desordenado/a enamorado/a (de) enojado/a equivocado/a feliz limpio/a listo/a nervioso/a ocupado/a ordenado/a preocupado/a (por) seguro/a sucio/a triste open bored; boring happy; joyful nice; friendly embarrassed tired closed comfortable confused happy; content disorderly in love (with) mad; angry wrong happy clean ready; smart nervous busy orderly worried (about) sure; safe dirty sad primer, primero/a segundo/a tercer, tercero/a cuarto/a quinto/a sexto/a séptimo/a octavo/a noveno/a décimo/a first second third fourth fifth sixth seventh eighth ninth tenth ahora mismo el año ¿Cuál es la fecha (de hoy)? de buen/mal humor la estación el mes todavía right now year What is the date (today)? in a good/bad mood season month yet; still acampar confirmar una reservación estar de vacaciones ( f. pl. ) hacer las maletas hacer un viaje hacer (wind)surf ir de compras ( f. pl. ) ir de vacaciones ir en autobús ( m. ), auto(móvil) ( m. ), avión ( m. ), barco ( m. ), moto(cicleta) ( f. ), taxi ( m. ) jugar a las cartas montar a caballo ( m. ) pescar sacar/tomar fotos ( f. pl. ) el/la agente de viajes el/la inspector(a) de aduanas el/la viajero/a el aeropuerto la agencia de viajes el campo el equipaje la estación de autobuses, del metro, de tren la llegada el mar el paisaje el pasaje (de ida y vuelta) el pasaporte la playa la salida la tabla de (wind)surf to camp to confirm a reservation to be on vacation to pack (one’s suitcases) to take a trip to (wind)surf to go shopping to go on vacation to go by bus, car, plane, boat, motorcycle, taxi to play cards to ride a horse to fish to take photos travel agent customs inspector traveler airport travel agency countryside luggage bus, subway, train station arrival sea landscape (round-trip) ticket passport beach departure; exit surfboard/sailboard 223 vocabulario Lifelong Learning School & Global Communities