Adelante 219 TEACHING OPTIONS EXPANSION Worth Noting Explain that tourism to this popular attraction has increased 20-fold since 1991 causing the Peruvian Ministry of Culture to issue new regulations for 2020. In pairs, have students discuss the benefits and costs to the community from tourism. Ask students to consider in what ways tourism can impact such areas as the environment, the economy, and the Peruvian society as a whole. Extra Practice Tell students that Machu Picchu was designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1983. Ask students to go online to the UNESCO World Heritage Centre and research what this recognition means. Encourage them to read more about this organization and the UNESCO World Heritage sites in the U.S. to share with the class. Section Goals In Flash cultura , students read and watch a video about Machu Picchu Student Resources Cuaderno de actividades , pp. 142–143 Online Video and Activities, eCuaderno Teacher Resources Workbook TE; Video Script & Translation Preparación Provide some suggestions to prompt students if they seem unable to come up with examples: Colonial Williamsburg (VA), Ellis Island (NY), Cahokia Mounds (IL), Capitol Reef National Park (UT), Mesa Verde National Park (CO). Antes de ver • As you read through Vocabulario útil encourage students to focus on the words that sound and look similar to English. Ask them to think about how these words will be used in the video. • Remind students that they do not need to understand every word they hear and should try to rely on the visuals to aid comprehension. Conversación Allow students time to prepare their answers before working with their partner. Offer assistance as needed to help students express themselves in Spanish. Encourage them to use vocabulary from the lesson. Aplicación You may want to require a specific number of sentences and/or topics students should include in their descriptions. Encourage them to search online for images that support their writing. ¡Vacaciones en Perú! 1 Vocabulario útil aislada caminando la ciudadela disfrutar misterioso el sector subir único isolated walking citadel, fortress to enjoy mysterious sector, area to climb, go up unique Conversación Watch the video and answer the questions individually. Then with a partner, discuss your answers. Do you share many of the same responses? 1. ¿En qué lengua es la expresión Machu Picchu? ¿Qué significa? 2. ¿En cuántos sectores dice Noemí que está dividida la ciudadela? ¿Puedes nombrar uno de los sectores? 3. ¿Cómo describen los turistas a Machu Picchu? ¿Cuáles son algunas palabras que usan? 4. ¿Cómo crees que suben la mayoría de los turistas a Machu Picchu? ¿Cómo te gustaría subir tú a Machu Picchu? Aplicación Write a paragraph about Machu Picchu in Spanish. Use the vocabulary and information you gathered from the video and the conversation with your partner. Search online for an image to go with your text. Machu Picchu Built by the Incas between 1438 and 1533, Machu Picchu has become the symbol of Incan civilization. Travel websites consistently list it among the top ten landmarks in the world. As a result, tourism to this popular attraction has exploded since the 1990’s. It is estimated that more than 5,000 people walk its paths on a typical day during the summer months. New restrictions limit the number of visitors to 2,500 a day to protect the site and avoid congestion. se encuentra aislada sobre it is isolated on siempre he querido I have always wanted Me encantan I love antiguas ancient Preparación Have you ever visited an archeological or historic site? Where? What did you learn about it? Somos una familia francesa [...] Perú es un país muy, muy bonito de verdad. ... siempre he querido° venir [...] Me encantan° las civilizaciones antiguas°. Machu Picchu [...] se encuentra aislada sobre° esta montaña... 2 3 Communicative Goal: Describe a few features of Machu Picchu as a tourist destination I CAN write a paragraph about Machu Picchu. Está dividida en tres sectores; el sector de cultivo, el sector Es en quechua. Significa montaña vieja ( old mountain ) Possible answers: bonito, maravilloso, magnífico, misterioso, Possible answers: en autobús, en tren, caminando, urbano, el sector religioso. en motocicleta único, fantástico Answers will vary. 219 doscientos diecinueve Interpretive Communication Interpretive o unication Interpersonal Communication Interpersonal o unication Presentational Communication Presentational o unication Acquiring Information & Diverse Perspectives