218 Teacher’s Edition • Lesson Five EXPANSION TEACHING OPTIONS Culture Note Although airline travel is becoming more popular throughout Latin America, in some countries people still use other means of transportation for their trips, especially intercity buses. This is in part a custom and in part due to the high costs of airline tickets. However, low-cost airlines have recently started operations in some countries. Extra Practice At one point the narrator says “Irse es... volver con muchos más recuerdos que fotos.” Make sure all students understand the words, then ask them to express the same idea in their own words in one Spanish sentence. Have volunteers read their sentences to the class, which can then vote for the best one. Section Goals In En pantalla , students will: • read about airline travel in Latin America • watch an ad for LANPASS , a Chilean airline loyalty program Student Resources Online Video and Activities Teacher Resources Transcript & Translation El arte de viajar Check comprehension: 1. How will airline travel evolve in Latin America by the year 2034? 2. What is LAN? 3. What is LANPASS and what is its goal? Audiovisual Interpretive Communication Antes de ver Strategy Remind students to focus first on familiar words to identify the purpose of the video. Comprensión Once students have marked the items they hear in the ad, ask them to make a list of other ways everyday life is different when we travel. Aplicación Encourage students to use photos or videos of their own family trips when presenting their ad to the class. Pre-AP* I CAN ask and answer questions about the importance of traveling. I CAN create a simple ad using an authentic resource as a model. El arte de viajar Millions of people travel on airlines every year for business and pleasure. The number of airline passengers is expected to double between 2014 and 2034 worldwide. This is true for Latin America, too, as airlines are looking at how to attract all those customers to their planes. The airline of Chile, LAN, has partnered with the international bank Santander to create the loyalty program LANPASS to encourage frequent travel on LAN.What does an airline say to travelers that captures their attention and makes their business seem like your pleasure? Anuncio de Santander LANPASS Con lo que realmente nos importa°. Aplicación With a classmate, prepare an ad inviting other people to travel to a special place. Explain why it is a perfect or ideal place. What evocative words and images will you use? Present your ad to the class. Preparación Answer these questions in Spanish. 1. ¿Te gusta viajar? ¿Por qué? ¿A dónde te gusta viajar? 2. ¿Qué te gusta hacer cuando estás de vacaciones? 3. ¿Qué modo de transporte prefieres usar? ¿Por qué? Vocabulario útil arena cambiar destino medir mismo/a piel puestas de sol recuerdos sentirse sand to change destination to measure itself skin sunsets memories to feel Comprensión Mark an X next to the phrases you hear in the ad. Irse es volver a…. cambiar de piel conectarnos estudiar mucho un mundo sin Internet trabajar castillos de arena destinos exóticos la esencia de todo sacar fotos sentirse vivo las siestas tiempo en familia Conversación Answer these questions with a classmate. 1. Según el anuncio, ¿cuáles son algunas cosas positivas de viajar? 2. ¿Cuáles de estas cosas positivas son importantes para ti? ¿Por qué? 3. Para tener experiencias positivas, ¿a dónde viajas tú? ¿A dónde viaja tu familia? ¿Y tus amigos? importa matters Communicative Goal: Create an ad inviting other people to travel to a special place I r ti t t i rt f tr li . I r t i l i t ti r r l. Answers will vary. Answers will vary. Answers will vary. x x x x x x x 218 Lección 5 doscientos dieciocho Interpretive Communication Interpretive Communication Presentational Communication Presentational o unication Interpersonal Communication Interpersonal Communication Interpretive Communication Interpretive o unication Interpretive Communication Interpretive Communication Presentational Communication Presentational o unication