216 Teacher’s Edition • Lesson Five Scoring Guideline: Folleto Section Goals In Escritura , students will: • write a brochure for a hotel or resort • integrate travel-related vocabulary and structures taught in Lección 5 Student Resources Cuaderno de actividades , pp. 140–141 Online Activities, eCuaderno Teacher Resources Workbook TE Interpersonal Writing: Estrategia Explain that outlines are a great way for a writer to think about what a piece of writing will be like before actually expending much time and effort on writing. An outline is also a great way of keeping a writer on track while composing the piece and helps the person keep the whole project in mind as he or she focuses on a specific part. Tema Go over the list of information that they might include. You might indicate a specific number of the points to include in the brochure. Presentational Writing Remind students that they are writing with the purpose of attracting guests to the hotel. Suggest that they brainstorm as many details as possible. Teaching Tip Have students write each of the individual items of their brainstorm lists on index cards, so that they can arrange and rearrange them into different idea maps. Skill Category 8 Pre-AP* Pre-AP* Pre-AP* Presentational Writing Criteria Scale Scoring Task Completion 1 2 3 4 5 Strong 18–20 points Organization 1 2 3 4 5 Good 14–17 points Appropriate thematic vocabulary 1 2 3 4 5 Fair 10–13 points Accuracy in grammar, syntax, writing conventions 1 2 3 4 5 Weak or Poor < 10 points Tema Escribir un folleto Write a tourist brochure for a hotel or resort you have visited. If you wish, you may write about an imaginary location. You may want to include some of this information in your brochure: the name of the hotel or resort phone and fax numbers that tourists can use to make contact the hotel website that tourists can consult an e-mail address that tourists can use to request information a description of the exterior of the hotel or resort a description of the interior of the hotel or resort, including facilities and amenities a description of the surrounding area, including its climate a listing of nearby scenic natural attractions a listing of nearby cultural attractions a listing of recreational activities that tourists can pursue in the vicinity of the hotel or resort Descripción del hotel Descripción del sitio Dirección y números de contacto Fotografía típica Folleto turístico Playa Grande El hotel sacar fotos pasear en bicicleta nadar tomar el sol pescar Escritura Estrategia Making an outline When we write to share information, an outline can serve to separate topics and subtopics, providing a framework for the presentation of data. Consider the following excerpt from an outline of the tourist brochure on pages 214–215. IV. Descripción del sitio (con foto) A. Playa Grande 1. Playas seguras y limpias 2. Ideal para tomar el sol, descansar, tomar fotografías, nadar B. El hotel 1. Abierto los 365 días del año 2. Rebaja para estudiantes Mapa de ideas Idea maps can be used to create outlines. The major sections of an idea map correspond to the Roman numerals in an outline. The minor idea map sections correspond to the outline’s capital letters, and so on. Examine the idea map that led to the outline above. Communicative Goal: Use an idea map to create a brochure with specific details about a hotel I CAN use an idea map to create a brochure with information about a hotel. 216 Lección 5 doscientos dieciséis Presentational Communication Presentational Communication