214 Teacher’s Edition • Lesson Five DIFFERENTIATION TEACHING OPTIONS Heritage Speakers Ask heritage speakers of Puerto Rican descent who have lived on or visited the island to talk briefly about experiences they have had with the beaches, nature preserves, or wildlife of Puerto Rico. Small Groups Have small groups research and prepare a short presentation about the climate, geography, or people of Puerto Rico. Have them include photos, if possible. Small Groups Lead a discussion about vacations. Have students work in groups to brainstorm the important aspects of an “ideal” vacation. Each student should contribute at least one idea. When each group has its list, ask for volunteers to share the information with the class. How do the groups differ? How are they similar? Section Goals In Lectura , students will: • learn the strategy of scanning to find specific information in reading matter • read a brochure about ecotourism in Puerto Rico Skill Categories 1 2 3 4 Student Resources Online Activities Interpretive Reading: Estrategia Explain to students that a good way to get an idea of what an article or other text is about is to scan it before reading. Scanning means running one’s eyes over a text in search of specific information that can be used to infer the content of the text. Explain that scanning a text before reading it is a good way to improve Spanish reading comprehension. AP Skill Category 8 The Affective Dimension Point out to students that becoming familiar with cognates will help them feel less overwhelmed when they encounter new Spanish texts. Examinar el texto Do orally as a class. Cognates include: turismo ecológico, teléfono, TV por cable, Internet, hotel, aire acondicionado, perfecto, Parque Nacional Foresta, Museo de Arte Nativo, Reserva, Biosfera, Santuario. These clues indicate that the text is about a hotel promoting ecotourism. Preguntas Do orally. Possible responses: 1. travel brochure 2. Puerto Rico 3. photos of beautiful tropical beaches, bays, and forests; The document is trying to attract the reader. 4. Hotel Vistahermosa in Lajas, Puerto Rico; attract guests Pre-AP* Pre-AP* Hotel Vistahermosa ~ Lajas, Puerto Rico E l hotel está situado en Playa Grande, un pequeño pueblo de pescadores del mar Caribe. Es el lugar perfecto para el viajero que viene de vacaciones. Las playas son seguras y limpias, ideales para tomar el sol, descansar, tomar fotografías y nadar. Está abierto los 365 días del año. Hay una rebaja° especial para estudiantes universitarios. DIRECCIÓN: Playa Grande 406, Lajas, PR 00667, cerca del Parque Nacional Foresta. cajero automático ATM rebaja discount Turismo ecológico en Puerto Rico • 40 habitaciones individuales • 15 habitaciones dobles • Teléfono/TV por cable/Internet • Aire acondicionado • Restaurante (Bar) • Piscina • Área de juegos • Cajero automático° Estrategia Scanning Scanning involves glancing over a document in search of specific information. For example, you can scan a document to identify its format, to find cognates, to locate visual clues about the document’s content, or to find specific facts. Scanning allows you to learn a great deal about a text without having to read it word for word. Examinar el texto Scan the reading selection for cognates and write down a few of them. 1. 4. 2. 5. 3. 6. Based on the cognates you found, what do you think this document is about? Preguntas Read these questions. Then scan the document again to look for answers. 1. What is the format of the reading selection? 2. Which place is the document about? 3. What are some of the visual cues this document provides? What do they tell you about the content of the document? 4. Who produced the document, and what do you think it is for? Lectura Antes de leer Communicative Goal: Scan, read, and understand key details in a hotel brochure Answers will vary. Answers will vary. adelante 5 Interpretive Communication Interpretive Communication Relating Cultural Practices to Perspectives Relating Cult r l Practices to Perspectiv s Making Connections Making Connections Acquiring Information & Diverse Perspectives Interpretive Communication Interpretive Com unication