Estructura 207 EXPANSION TEACHING OPTIONS TEACHING OPTIONS Small Groups Have students work in small groups to write a television commercial for a vacation resort in the Spanish- speaking world. Ask them to employ as many uses of ser and estar as they can. If possible, after they have written the commercial, have them record it on video it to show to the class. Language in Action Call on a volunteer and whisper the name of a celebrity in his or her ear. The volunteer acts out verbs and characteristics and uses props to elicit descriptions from the class. Ex: The volunteer points to the U.S. on a map. ( Es de los Estados Unidos. ) He or she then indicates a tall, thin man. ( Es un hombre alto y delgado. ) He or she acts out swimming. ( Está nadando. ¿Es Michael Phelps?) 4 Teaching Tip Have students listen to the audio once and ask for the global idea of the text (Ex: Se trata de Carolina, una turista que está de vacaciones en la ciudad de Ponce ). Then, ask more specific questions, such as: ¿Qué va a hacer Carolina en Ponce? ¿Cómo se llama el museo que va a visitar? 4 Script ¡Hola! Me llamo Carolina y ahora estoy de vacaciones en Ponce. Ponce es la segunda ciudad más grande de Puerto Rico. Está cerca del mar Caribe y es una ciudad muy bonita. Hoy no voy a la playa porque está lloviendo. Esperaba visitar el Parque de Bombas, que es ahora un museo, pero hoy es martes y está cerrado. Así que voy a visitar el Museo de Arte. Oigo que tiene una colección fenomenal de pinturas. 5 Teaching Tip Use the online Resources (Lección 5/ Digital Image Bank/ Estructura 5.3 Ser and estar ) to assist with the presentation of this activity. 5 Expansion Have students pick one of the individuals pictured and write a short description, with as many different uses of ser and estar as possible. 5 Partner Chat Available online. 6 Expansion Have students record their radio ads, and listen to them in class. AP Skill Category 5 The Affective Dimension Encourage students to consider pair and group activities as a cooperative venture in which group members support and motivate each other. Pre-AP* Ponce Listen to Carolina’s description of her vacation. Then classify the following inferences as lógico or ilógico, based on what you heard. Lógico Ilógico 1. Carolina es una turista. 2. Carolina prefiere acampar. 3. A Carolina no le gusta ir a la playa. 4. Carolina vive en Ponce. 5. Ponce es una playa de Puerto Rico. 6. A Carolina le gustan los museos. 7. Carolina visita un museo el fin de semana. ❍ ❍ ❍ ❍ ❍ ❍ ❍ ❍ ❍ ❍ ❍ ❍ ❍ ❍ 4 En el aeropuerto With a partner, take turns assuming the identity of a character from this drawing. Your partner will ask you questions using ser and estar to figure out who you are. 5 Un hotel magnífico Write a radio ad for a vacation resort somewhere in the Spanish-speaking world. Use ser and estar in as many different ways as you can. 6 Comunicación Síntesis Estudiante 2: ¿Dónde estás? Estudiante 1: Estoy cerca de la puerta. Estudiante 2: ¿Qué estás haciendo? Estudiante 1: Estoy escuchando a otra persona. Estudiante 2: ¿Eres uno de los pasajeros? Estudiante 1: No, soy empleado del aeropuerto. Estudiante 2: ¿Eres Camilo? modelo I CAN write a radio ad describing a vacation resort. Camilo Carlos Luz Emilio Sra. Limón Elena Sra. Villa Sr. Villa Srta. Esquivel Answers will vary. Answers will vary. Answers will vary. ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ 207 Las vacaciones doscientos siete Relating Cultural Practices to Perspectives Relating Cult r l Practices to Perspectiv s Presentational Communication Presentational o unication Interpretive Communication Interpretive o unication Presentational Communication Presentational o unication Interpersonal Communication Interpersonal o unication