206 Teacher’s Edition • Lesson Five TEACHING OPTIONS EXPANSION Extra Practice Have students write a paragraph about a close friend, including the person’s physical appearance, general disposition, place of birth, birthday, and where the friend is now. Ask volunteers to share their descriptions with the class. Pairs Ask pairs to role-play this scenario: Student A is at the beach with some friends while Student B is at home. Student A calls Student B and tries to convince him or her to come to the beach. Students should try to employ as many uses of ser and estar in their scenario as possible. After students act out the scene once, have them switch roles. 1 Teaching Tip Have students identify the use(s) of ser or estar for each item. 1 Expansion To challenge students, ask them to use each adjective in a sentence. If the adjective can take both verbs, have them provide two sentences. 2 Teaching Tip To simplify, have students look for context clues that will help them determine whether to use ser or estar . Ex: The word hoy in line 2 suggests that guapo is a variable physical state. 2 Expansion Have pairs write a continuation of the conversation and then present it to the class. 3 Teaching Tip Use the Digital Image Bank to support the presentation of this activity. 3 Expansion Add another visual aspect to this grammar practice. Bring in photos or magazine pictures that show many different people performing a variety of activities. Have students use ser and estar to write short descriptions of the scenes. Completar Complete this conversation with the appropriate forms of ser and estar . EDUARDO ¡Hola, Ceci! ¿Cómo ( 1 ) ? CECILIA Hola, Eduardo. Bien, gracias. ¡Qué guapo ( 2 ) hoy! EDUARDO Gracias. ( 3 ) muy amable. Oye, ¿qué ( 4 ) haciendo? ( 5 ) ¿ ocupada? CECILIA No, sólo le ( 6 ) escribiendo una carta a mi prima Pilar. EDUARDO ¿De dónde ( 7 ) ella? CECILIA Pilar ( 8 ) de Ecuador. Su papá ( 9 ) médico en Quito. Pero ahora Pilar y su familia ( 10 ) de vacaciones en Ponce, Puerto Rico. EDUARDO Y… ¿cómo ( 11 ) Pilar? CECILIA ( 12 ) muy lista. Y también ( 13 ) alta, rubia y muy bonita. 2 En el parque With a partner, take turns describing the people in the drawing. Your descriptions should answer the questions provided. 3 1. ¿Quiénes son? 2. ¿Dónde están? 3. ¿Cómo son? 4. ¿Cómo están? 5. ¿Qué están haciendo? 6. ¿Qué estación es? 7. ¿Qué tiempo hace? 8. ¿Quién no está de vacaciones? Práctica ¿Ser o estar? Indicate whether each adjective takes ser or estar . ¡Ojo! Three of them can take both verbs. 1 1. delgada ❍ ❍ 2. canadiense ❍ ❍ 3. enamorado ❍ ❍ 4. lista ❍ ❍ 5. seguro ❍ ❍ 6. enojada ❍ ❍ 7. importante ❍ ❍ 8. avergonzada ❍ ❍ ser estar ser estar Samuel Doña Manuela Doña Rosita Abuelo Raúl Dr. Valdés Raulito Don Andrés Daniel Julia Ana Pablo Tomás estás estás estás Eres Estás estoy es es es están es es Es Answers will vary. ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ 206 Lección 5 doscientos seis Presentational Communication Presentational o unication Presentational Communication Presentational o unication Presentational Communication Presentational o unication Presentational Communication Int rpersonal Communication Interpersonal Communication Interpersonal o unication Interpretive Communication Interpretive o unication Interpretive Communication Interpretive o unication