Estructura 205 TEACHING OPTIONS EXPANSION Interpretive Communication Interpretive Co unication Presentational Communication Presentational Communication Teaching Tips • Ask students if they notice any context clues in the examples that would help them choose between ser and estar . • Write sentences like these on the board: 1. Pilar is worried because she has a quiz tomorrow. (Pilar está preocupada porque tiene una prueba mañana.) 2. The bellhop is very busy right now. (El botones está muy ocupado ahora.) 3. The beach is pretty. (La playa es bonita.) 4. Juan is/looks very handsome today. (Juan está muy guapo hoy.) Have students translate the sentences into Spanish and ask them why they chose either ser or estar for their translation. • Ask students questions to practice the different meanings of adjectives, depending on whether they are used with ser or estar . Ex: 1. Manuel es un muchacho muy inteligente. ¿Está listo o es listo? 2. No me gusta la clase de física. ¿Está aburrida o es aburrida? 3. No sé si Carlos tiene 50 o 51 años. ¿No estoy seguro/a o no soy seguro/a? 4. ¿El color del taxi es verde o está verde? 5. El profesor no enseña muy bien. ¿Está malo o es malo? The Affective Dimension If students feel anxious that Spanish has two verbs that mean to be , reassure them that they will soon feel more comfortable with this concept as they read more examples and have more practice. Point out that ser and estar express rich shades of meaning. Extra Practice Ask students to write sentences illustrating the contrasting meanings of adjectives used with ser or estar . Have students exchange papers for peer editing before going over them with the class. Video Show the Fotonovela episode again. Have students jot down the forms of ser or estar that they hear. Discuss each use of ser and estar . Pairs Tell students to imagine that they are going to interview a celebrity visiting their hometown. Ask them to write questions with at least ten different uses of ser and estar . Next, have them interview a partner and record the answers. Have students write a summary of their interviews. Form complete sentences by using the correct form of ser or estar and making any other necessary changes. 1. Alejandra / cansado 7. nosotras / enojado Alejandra está cansada. 2. ellos / pelirrojo 8. Antonio / médico 3. Carmen / alto 9. Romeo y Julieta / enamorado 4. yo / la clase de español 10. libros / de Ana 5. película / a las once 11. Marisa y Juan / estudiando 6. hoy / viernes 12. partido de baloncesto / gimnasio Ser and estar with adjectives With many descriptive adjectives, ser and estar can both be used, but the meaning will change. Juan es delgado. Ana es nerviosa. Juan is thin. Ana is a nervous person. Juan está más delgado hoy. Ana está nerviosa por el examen. Juan looks thinner today. Ana is nervous because of the exam. In the examples above, the statements with ser are general observations about the inherent qualities of Juan and Ana. The statements with estar describe conditions that are variable. Here are some adjectives that change in meaning when used with ser and estar . With ser With estar El chico es listo . El chico está listo . The boy is smart. The boy is ready. La profesora es mala . La profesora está mala . The professor is bad. The professor is sick. Jaime es aburrido . Jaime está aburrido . Jaime is boring. Jaime is bored. Las peras son verdes . Las peras están verdes . Pears are green. The pears are not ripe. El gato es muy vivo . El gato está vivo . The cat is very clever. The cat is alive. Iván es un hombre seguro . Iván no está seguro . Iván is a confident man. Iván is not sure. When referring to objects, ser seguro/a means to be safe . El puente es seguro. The bridge is safe. ¡ATENCIÓN! ¡INTÉNTALO! Ellos son pelirrojos. Carmen es alta. Estoy en la clase de español. La película es a las once. Hoy es viernes. Nosotras estamos enojadas. Antonio es médico. Romeo y Julieta están enamorados. Los libros son de Ana. Marisa y Juan están estudiando. El partido de baloncesto es en el gimnasio. 205 Las vacaciones doscientos cinco Interpersonal Communication Interpersonal Communication