204 Teacher’s Edition • Lesson Five Interpersonal Communication Interpersonal o unication TEACHING OPTIONS EXPANSION Extra Practice Ask students to write a postcard to a friend or family member about a vacation in Puerto Rico, incorporating as many of the uses of ser and estar as they can. Extra Practice Add an auditory aspect to this grammar presentation. Call out sentences containing forms of ser or estar . Ask students to identify the use of the verb. Game Divide the class into two teams. Call out a use of ser or estar . The first member of each team runs to the board and writes a sample sentence. The first student to finish a sentence correctly earns a point for his or her team. Practice all uses of each verb and make sure each team member has at least two turns. Then tally the points to see which team wins. Section Goal In Estructura 5.3 , students will review and compare the uses of ser and estar . Student Resources Cuaderno de actividades , pp. 135–137 Online Activities, eCuaderno Teacher Resources Workbook TEs; Grammar Slides; Digital Image Bank; Audio Activities online; Audio Script; Assessment Program Quizzes; Activity Pack; Middle School Activity Pack Teaching Tips • Have pairs brainstorm as many uses of ser with examples as they can. Compile a list on the board, and repeat for estar . • Divide the board into two columns. In column one, write sentences using ser and estar in random order (Ex: Manuel es de España. ). In column two, write the uses of ser and estar taught so far, also in random order (Ex: place of origin). Ask volunteers to match the sentence with its corresponding use. • Write cloze sentences on the board. Ask students to supply the correct form of ser or estar . Ex: Mi casa ____ lejos de aquí. (estar, location; está) If either ser or estar could be used, ask students to explain how the meaning of the sentence would change. • Contrast uses of ser and estar by talking about celebrities. Ex: Shakira es cantante . Ask students to identify the use(s) and then create sentences about other famous people. Ser and estar You have already learned that ser and estar both mean to be but are used for different purposes. These charts summarize the key differences in usage between ser and estar . 1. Nationality and place of origin . . . . . . . 2. Profession or occupation . . . . . . . . . . . 3. Characteristics of people and things . . . 4. Generalizations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5. Possession . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6. What something is made of . . . . . . . . . 7. Time and date . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8. Where or when an event takes place. . Juan Carlos es argentino. Es de Buenos Aires. Adela es agente de viajes. Francisco es médico. José y Clara son simpáticos. El clima de Puerto Rico es agradable. ¡ Es fabuloso viajar! Es difícil estudiar a la una de la mañana. Es la pluma de Jimena. Son las llaves del señor Díaz. La bicicleta es de metal. Los pasajes son de papel. Hoy es martes. Son las dos. Hoy es el primero de julio. El partido es en el estadio Santa Fe. La conferencia es a las siete. Uses of ser 1. Location or spatial relationships . . . . . 2. Health . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3. Physical states and conditions . . . . . . . 4. Emotional states . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5. Certain weather expressions . . . . . . . . 6. Ongoing actions (progressive tenses) . . El aeropuerto está lejos de la ciudad. Tu habitación está en el tercer piso. ¿Cómo estás ? Estoy bien, gracias. El profesor está ocupado. Las ventanas están abiertas. Marissa está feliz hoy. Estoy muy enojado con Maru. Está lloviendo. Está nublado. Estamos estudiando para un examen. Ana está leyendo una novela. Uses of estar 5.3 Ser de expresses not only origin ( Es de Buenos Aires. ) and possession ( Es la pluma de Jimena.), but also what material something is made of ( La bicicleta es de metal. ). ¡ATENCIÓN! Communicative Goal: Describe people and places, including a vacation resort ANTE TODO VERIFICA ¡Toledo es muy bonito! La playa está muy lejos de aquí. 204 Lección 5 doscientos cuatro