Estructura 201 EXPANSION TEACHING OPTIONS Teaching Tips • Discuss each point in the Compare & Contrast box. • Write these statements on the board and ask students if they would use the present or the present progressive in Spanish for each item. 1. I’m going on vacation tomorrow. 2. She’s packing her suitcase right now. 3. They are fishing in Puerto Rico this week. 4. Roberto is still working. Then ask students to translate the items. (1. Voy de vacaciones mañana. 2. Está haciendo la maleta ahora mismo. 3. Pescan en Puerto Rico esta semana. 4. Roberto todavía está trabajando.) • In this lesson, students learn todavía to mean still when used with the present progressive tense. • Have students rewrite the sentences in the ¡Inténtalo! activity using the simple present. Ask volunteers to explain how the sentences change depending on whether the verb is in the present progressive or the simple present. Encourage them to use other context words to clarify their meaning. For example: Mis amigos descansan en la playa cuando están de vacaciones. / Mis amigos están descansando en la playa ahora porque van a salir más tarde. Pairs Have students write eight sentences in Spanish modeled after the examples in the Compare & Contrast box. There should be two sentences modeled after each example. Ask students to replace the verbs with blanks. Then, have students exchange papers with a partner and complete the sentences. Extra Practice For homework, ask students to find five photos from a magazine or create five simple drawings of people performing different activities. For each image, have them write one sentence telling where the people are, one explaining what they are doing and one describing how they feel. Ex: Juan está en la biblioteca. Está estudiando. Está cansado. BANCO CONGRESO Preparándolo para el mañana ¿Está pensando en su futuro? Nosotros, sí. Create complete sentences by putting the verbs in the present progressive. 1. mis amigos / descansar en la playa 2. nosotros / practicar deportes 3. Carmen / comer en casa 4. nuestro equipo / ganar el partido 5. yo / leer el periódico 6. él / pensar comprar una bicicleta roja 7. ustedes / jugar a las cartas 8. José y Francisco / dormir 9. Marisa / leer correo electrónico 10. yo / preparar sándwiches 11. Carlos / tomar fotos 12. ¿dormir / tú? COMPARE & CONTRAST Mis amigos están descansando en la playa. The use of the present progressive is much more restricted in Spanish than in English. In Spanish, the present progressive is mainly used to emphasize that an action is in progress at the time of speaking. Maru está escuchando música Felipe y su amigo todavía latina ahora mismo . están jugando al fútbol. Maru is listening to Latin music Felipe and his friend are still right now. playing soccer. In English, the present progressive is often used to talk about situations and actions that occur over an extended period of time or in the future. In Spanish, the simple present tense is often used instead. Xavier estudia computación Marissa sale mañana este semestre. para los Estados Unidos. Xavier is studying computer Marissa is leaving tomorrow science this semester. for the United States. ¡INTÉNTALO! Estoy preparando sándwiches. Marisa está leyendo correo electrónico. José y Francisco están durmiendo. Estamos practicando deportes. ¿Estás durmiendo? Carlos está tomando fotos. Carmen está comiendo en casa. Nuestro equipo está ganando el partido. Estoy leyendo el periódico. Está pensando comprar una bicicleta roja. Ustedes están jugando a las cartas. 201 Las vacaciones doscientos uno Presentational Communication Presentational Communication