Plenty of practice Learning a new language takes practice. With vhlcentral , students have hundreds of program-specific, thematically based, and carefully scaffolded practice activities right at their fingertips. Engaging Media Episodic storyline videos, authentic short films, synchronous video chat activities, audio- sync readings, and audio by native speakers... vhlcentral has it all. TRY IT FOR YOURSELF! s upersite-se SECONDARY STUDENT ENROLLMENTS PER YEAR AVERAGE DAILY ACTIVITY SUBMISSIONS OVER 550,000 750,000 + For students vhl central Safe Enviroment Language learning can be intimidating for many students. With its uncluttered interface, innovative tools, and seamless textbook-technology integration, vhlcentral will help you reach students and build their love of language in a safe digital space. Responsive and Accesible Accessibility enhancements for improved access to language learning for all students—whether using computers, mobile devices, or screen readers. Account creation, course registration, homework and practice are now part of an accessible and responsive student workflow. Digital Experience