Estructura 199 EXPANSION TEACHING OPTIONS Pairs Have students write a list of four questions using different conjugations of estar and four adjectives from the list on page 198 that have antonyms. Students ask partners their questions. They respond negatively, then use the opposite adjective in an affirmative statement. Ex: ¿Está abierta la biblioteca? (No, no está abierta. Está cerrada.) Extra Practice For homework, have students pick eight adjectives of emotion from the list on page 198 and write sentences about what they do when they feel that way. Ex: Cuando estoy confundida, pregunto a mi profesor… In class, have students form small groups and share their sentences. Survey the class to see if there are any common activities. 1 Teaching Tip Have a volunteer model the first sentence by supplying the correct form of estar and an appropriate adjective. Ask the student to explain his or her choices. 1 Expansion Have students write five additional cloze sentences that contain blanks for estar and an adjective. Then have them exchange papers and complete the sentences. 2 Expansion • Have students write a few sentences about the illustrations explaining why the people feel the way they do and why the rooms look this way. • Have students pretend they are Anabela, Juan, or Luisa and give a short oral description of who they are and how they feel today. 3 Teaching Tip Have partners alternate completing the sentences until each has answered all items. 3 Expansion Ask students to keep a record of their partners’ responses. Take a classroom poll to see what percentage of students felt a particular way in each situation. 3 Virtual Chat Available online. 4 Expansion Have pairs of students text each other and bring their classmate’s printed messages to class. Have them edit the text they received and ask volunteers to read their partner’s message aloud. ¿Cómo están? Complete Martín’s statements about how he and other people are feeling. In the first blank, fill in the correct form of estar . In the second blank, fill in the adjective that best fits the context. 1. Yo un poco porque tengo un examen mañana. 2. Mi hermana Patricia muy porque mañana va a hacer una excursión al campo. 3. Mis hermanos Juan y José salen de la casa a las cinco de la mañana. Por la noche, siempre muy . 4. Mi amigo Ramiro ; su novia se llama Adela. 5. Mi papá y sus colegas muy hoy. ¡Hay mucho trabajo! 6. Patricia y yo un poco por ellos porque trabajan mucho. 7. Mi amiga Mónica un poco porque sus amigos no pueden salir esta noche. 8. Esta clase no es muy interesante. ¿Tú también? 1 Describir Describe these people and places. 2 2. Juan y Luisa 1. Anabela 3. la habitación de Teresa 4. César Práctica y Comunicación Situaciones With a partner, use estar to talk about how you feel in these situations. 1. Cuando hace sol… 2. Cuando tomas un examen… 3. Cuando viajas en avión… 4. Cuando estás en la clase de español… 5. Cuando ves una película con tu actor/actriz favorito/a… 3 Make sure that you have agreement between: • Subjects and verbs in person and number • Nouns and adjectives in gender and number Ell os no est án enferm os . They are not sick. Emociones Write an e-mail to a friend explaining what you do when you feel certain way. Use five adjectives of emotion. 4 modelo Cuando estoy preocupado, hablo por teléfono con mi madre. Cuando estoy aburrido, miro la televisión. AYUDA I CAN write an e-mail to a friend explaining what I do when I feel certain way. está están estoy nervioso está contenta cansados enamorado ocupados están estamos preocupados está triste/enojada aburrido/a estás Some answers may vary. Están enamorados/felices/contentos. Está cómoda/ocupada. Está ordenada/limpia. Está ocupado/cansado. Answers will vary. Sample answers: Answers will vary. Answers will vary. 199 Las vacaciones ciento noventa y nueve Interpersonal Communication Interpersonal o unication Interpersonal Communication Interpersonal ommunication Interpersonal Communication Interpersonal Communication Interpretive Communication Interpretive Communication Presentational Communication Presentational Communication Presentational Communication Presentational o unication Interpretive Communication Interpretive o unication Interpersonal Communication Interpersonal Communication Presentational Communication Presentational o unication