198 Teacher’s Edition • Lesson Five EXPANSION TEACHING OPTIONS TPR Call out a sentence using an adjective and have students mime the emotion or show the condition. Ex: Sus libros están abiertos. (Students show their open books.) Ustedes están alegres. (Students act happy.) Next, call on volunteers to act out an emotion or condition and have the class tell what is going on. Ex: A student pretends to cry. ( Carlos está triste. ) Video Replay the Fotonovela episode and ask comprehension questions using estar and adjectives expressing emotions or conditions. Ex: ¿Cómo está Juanjo (Está aburrido.) ¿Para qué está perfecto el clima? (para ir a la playa) Section Goals In Estructura 5.1 , students will learn: • to use estar to describe conditions and emotions • adjectives that describe conditions and emotions Student Resources Cuaderno de actividades , pp. 128–130 Online Activities, eCuaderno Teacher Resources Workbook TEs; Grammar Slides; Audio Activities online; Audio Script; Assessment Program Quizzes; Activity Pack; Middle School Activity Pack Teaching Tips • Ask students to find examples of estar used with adjectives in the Fotonovela . For each example, have a volunteer explain why estar is used instead of ser . • Remind students that adjectives agree in number and gender with the nouns they modify. • Bring in personal or magazine photos of people with varying facial expressions. Hold up each one and state the person’s emotion. Ex: Mi esposa y yo estamos contentos. • Point out the use of de with enamorado/a and por with preocupado/a. Write cloze sentences on the board and have students complete them. Ex: Michelle Obama está ____ Barack Obama. (enamorada de) Estar with conditions and emotions As you have already learned, the verb estar is used to talk about how you feel and to say where people, places, and things are located. Estar is also used with adjectives to talk about certain emotional and physical conditions. Use estar with adjectives to describe the physical condition of places and things. La habitación está sucia. La puerta está cerrada. The room is dirty. The door is closed. Use estar with adjectives to describe how people feel, both mentally and physically. ¡Atención! Two important expressions with estar that you can use to talk about conditions and emotions are estar de buen humor ( to be in a good mood ) and estar de mal humor ( to be in a bad mood ). abierto/a aburrido/a alegre avergonzado/a cansado/a cerrado/a cómodo/a confundido/a open bored happy; joyful embarrassed tired closed comfortable confused contento/a desordenado/a enamorado/a (de) enojado/a equivocado/a feliz limpio/a happy; content disorderly in love (with) mad; angry wrong happy clean listo/a nervioso/a ocupado/a ordenado/a preocupado/a (por) seguro/a sucio/a triste ready nervous busy orderly worried (about) sure dirty sad Provide the present tense forms of estar , and choose which adjective best completes the sentence. 1. La biblioteca (cerrada / nerviosa) los domingos por la noche. cerrada 2. Nosotros muy (ocupados / equivocados) todos los lunes. 3. Ellas (alegres / confundidas) porque tienen vacaciones. 4. Javier (enamorado / ordenado) de Maribel. 5. Diana (enojada / limpia) con su hermano. 6. Yo (nerviosa / abierta) por el viaje. 7. La habitación siempre (ordenada / segura) cuando vuelven sus padres. 8. Ustedes no comprenden; (equivocados / tristes). está 5.1 Adjectives that describe emotions and conditions ANTE TODO ¡INTÉNTALO! Communicative Goal: Describe how I and other people feel To review the present tense of estar , see Estructura 2.3 , p. 87. • • • To review the present tense of ser , see Estructura 1.3 , p. 46. CONSULTA Yo estoy aburrido. ¿Estás feliz? estamos están está está estoy está están ocupados alegres enamorado enojada nerviosa equivocados ordenada estructura 5 Lección 5 Interpretive Communication Interpretive Communication