Cultura 197 PRE-AP* Presentational Speaking with Cultural Comparison In groups of 2-3, have students research an element of the reading and compare it to a similar element in their experience, such as a lake, a big city, or a national park. Options: • A lake (such as one of the Great Lakes - example Lake Erie) with el lago Atitlán de Guatemala • A big city (such as New York City) with Buenos Aires, Argentina 1 Expansion For additional practice and to check comprehension, have students come up with their own true or false statements to share with the class or a partner. 2 Teaching Tip Review the questions with students before they start the activity to make sure they understand all the words. Circulate around the room to check that students are on task and are responding correctly. 3 Teaching Tip You may want to provide students with some sentence frames to get them started. For example: ¡_______ es perfecto para ti! Está en _____. Ofrece _____. Puedes _____. Perfil Punta del Este is located 80 miles east of Uruguay’s capital, Montevideo, on a small peninsula that separates the Atlantic Ocean and the Río de la Plata estuary. At the beginning of the nineteenth century, Punta was nearly deserted and only visited by fishermen and sailors. Its glamorous hotels, dining, nightlife, and beaches have earned it the nickname “the St. Tropez of South America.” (St. Tropez is one of the finest beach resorts on the French Riviera). Information and Media Literacy: Entre culturas Students access and critically evaluate information from the Internet. 21 s t Centur y Skills • A more adventurous site, such as the Grand Canyon, or the cliff dwellings of Mesa Verde National Park (Pueblo Indians) with el oasis de Huacachina, en el desierto de Ica, en Perú. Have students make a Venn diagram to illustrate their comparisons. Then have groups present their diagrams to the class. ¿Cierto o falso? Indicate whether the following statements are cierto or falso . Correct the false statements. 1. People who like to relax and enjoy nature visit Lake Atitlán. 2. If you are more adventurous, Buenos Aires is the place for you. 3. In Huacachina you can swim even though it is in the middle of a desert. 4. Only Peruvians vacation in Huacachina. 5. The Ica desert is said to have healing benefits. 6. Buenos Aires is surrounded by three volcanoes. 7. San Telmo is one of Buenos Aires’ famous neighborhoods, popular among tourists. 8. Besides swimming, Lake Atitlán offers spectacular views of the natural landscape. Entrevista Use the following questions to interview a partner about what kind vacation he or she prefers. 1. ¿Te gustan las montañas o las playas? 2. ¿Te gustan las vacaciones tranquilas o prefieres explorar lugares nuevos? 3. ¿Te gusta más caminar por el campo o por las calles? 4. ¿Te sientes más cómodo/a en un hotel o en una casa? 5. ¿Te gustan las aventuras o prefieres ir de compras? 6. ¿Qué actividades te gusta hacer cuando vas de vacaciones? Recomendación Based on what you learned about your partner, make a recommendation for a place in your state or community he or she should visit. Include the name of the place, where it’s located, what it offers and what you can do there. Then, exchange papers. Did your partner get it right? 1 ACTIVIDADES 2 3 Punta del Este Una de las ciudades costeras más grandes y famosas de Suramérica es Punta del Este, Uruguay, una delgada franja de tierra° con más de 30 kilómetros de playas blancas. Su forma peninsular le permite tener dos paisajes marinos muy diferentes. La Playa Mansa°, frente a la bahía, es el lado más protegido y tiene aguas tranquilas, donde la gente puede practicar deportes acuáticos como natación, esquí acuático, windsurf y buceo. La Playa Brava, hacia el este, recibe los fuertes vientos del Océano Atlántico que producen grandes olas°; por eso allí los turistas practican deportes como el surf , el body boarding y el tablacometa ( kitesurfing ). Además de las playas, en la ciudad se puede ir de compras y disfrutar la vida nocturna. Punta del Este también ofrece a sus 600.000 visitantes anuales diversos clubes de pesca y navegación, así como campos° de golf y excursiones para observar leones marinos° en la reserva natural de la Isla de Lobos. franja de tierra stip of land Mansa Calm olas waves campos courses leones marinos sea lions Comprensión Answer the questions based on the reading. 1. In which country is located Punta del Este? 2. What sports can be practiced in Punta del Este? 3. Name two other activities tourists can do in Punta del Este. PERFIL ¿Cuáles son los sitios más populares para el turismo en Puerto Rico? Go to to find out more cultural information related to this Cultura section. ENTRE CULTURAS I CAN identify and discuss popular travel destinations in my own and other cultures. Cierto. Cierto. Cierto. Cierto. Falso. Huacachina is the place to go if you are adventurous. Falso. Tourists from other countries also go there. Falso. The waters of the Huacachina oasis are said to have healing benefits. Falso. Lake Atitlán is surrounded by three volcanoes. in Uruguay swimming, water skiing, Sample answers: go shopping, enjoy the nightlife, go fishing, go sailing, practice golf or go on excursions windsurfing, diving, body boarding and kitesurfing Las vacaciones 197 ciento noventa y siete Interpersonal Communication Interpersonal o unication Relating Cultural Practices to Perspectives Relating Cult r l Practices t Perspectiv s Cultural Comparisons Cultural Comparisons Presentational Communication Presentational Communication Presentational Communication Presentational Communication Acquiring Information & Diverse Perspectives Lifelong Learning School & Global Communities Interpretive Communication Interpretive o unication Interpretive Communication Interpretive o unication Acquiring Information & Diverse Perspectives