Pronunciación 195 TEACHING OPTIONS EXPANSION Extra Practice Write some additional proverbs on the board and have the class practice saying each one. Ex: Más vale que sobre y no que falte. ( Better too much than too little. ) No sólo de pan vive el hombre. ( Man doesn’t live by bread alone. ) A caballo regalado no se le ve el colmillo. ( Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth. ) Más vale dar que recibir. ( It’s better to give than to receive. ) Small Groups Have students work in small groups and take turns reading aloud sentences from the Fotonovela on pages 192–193, focusing on the correct pronunciation of b and v . If a group member has trouble pronouncing a word that contains b or v , the rest of the group should supply the rule that explains how it should be pronounced. Section Goal In Pronunciación, students will be introduced to the pronunciation of b and v . Student Resources Cuaderno de actividades , p. 127 Online Activities, eCuaderno Teacher Resources Workbook TE; Textbook and Audio Activities online; Audio Scripts Teaching Tips • Emphasize that b (alta/ grande) and v (baja/chica) are pronounced identically in Spanish, but depending on the letter’s position in a word, each can be pronounced two ways. Pronounce vóleibol and vivir, and have students listen for the difference between the initial and medial sounds represented by b and v . • Explain the cases in which b and v are pronounced like the English b in boy and model the pronunciation of bonito, viajar, también, and investigar . • Point out that before b or v , n is usually pronounced m . • Explain that in all other positions, b and v are fricatives. Pronounce deber , novio , abril , and aventura and stress that the friction is between the two lips. • Remind the class that Spanish has no sound like the English v . Pronounce vida, vacaciones, avión , and automóvil . Práctica/Oraciones/Refranes These exercises are recorded online . You may want to play the audio so that students practice listening to Spanish spoken by speakers other than yourself. Pronunciación Spanish b and v bueno vóleibol biblioteca vivir There is no difference in pronunciation between the Spanish letters b and v . However, each letter can be pronounced two different ways, depending on which letters appear next to them. bonito viajar también investigar B and v are pronounced like the English hard b when they appear either as the first letter of a word, at the beginning of a phrase, or after m or n . deber novio abril cerveza In all other positions, b and v have a softer pronunciation, which has no equivalent in English. Unlike the hard b , which is produced by tightly closing the lips and stopping the flow of air, the soft b is produced by keeping the lips slightly open. bola vela Caribe declive In both pronunciations, there is no difference in sound between b and v . The English v sound, produced by friction between the upper teeth and lower lip, does not exist in Spanish. Instead, the soft b comes from friction between the two lips. Verónica y su esposo cantan boleros. When b or v begins a word, its pronunciation depends on the previous word. At the beginning of a phrase or after a word that ends in m or n , it is pronounced as a hard b . Benito es de Boquerón pero vive en Victoria. Words that begin with b or v are pronounced with a soft b if they appear immediately after a word that ends in a vowel or any consonant other than m or n . Práctica Read these words aloud to practice the b and the v. 1. hablamos 4. van 7. doble 10. nublado 2. trabajar 5. contabilidad 8. novia 11. llave 3. botones 6. bien 9. béisbol 12. invierno Oraciones Read these sentences aloud to practice the b and the v. 1. Vamos a Guaynabo en autobús. 2. Voy de vacaciones a la Isla Culebra. 3. Tengo una habitación individual en el octavo piso. 4. Víctor y Eva van por avión al Caribe. 5. La planta baja es bonita también. 6. ¿Qué vamos a ver en Bayamón? 7. Beatriz, la novia de Víctor, es de Arecibo, Puerto Rico. Refranes Read these sayings aloud to practice the b and the v. 1 Every cloud has a silver lining. 2 An ounce of prevention equals a pound of cure. No hay mal que por bien no venga. 1 Hombre prevenido vale por dos. 2 195 Las vacaciones ciento noventa y cinco Relating Cultural Practices to Perspectives Relating Cult r l Practices to Perspectiv s Language Comparisons Language o parisons