Fotonovela 193 TEACHING OPTIONS Teaching Tip Hand out the Antes de ver el video and Mientras ves el video activities from the Cuaderno de actividades and go over the Antes de ver questions before starting the Fotonovela . Expresiones útiles Explain to students that the Expresiones útiles box features words and phrases spoken in the video that will help them understand and talk about the episode. Teaching Tips Remind students that está , están , and estoy are present-tense forms of the verb estar , which is often used with adjectives that describe conditions and emotions. Remind students that es is a present-tense form of the verb ser , which is often used to describe the characteristics of people and things and to make generalizations. Draw students’ attention to video stills 3 and 6. Point out that está haciendo and está sonando are examples of the present progressive, which is used to emphasize an action in progress. Finally, point out the captions for video still 4, and explain that los and la are examples of direct object pronouns. Explain that these are words that replace direct object nouns in order to avoid repetition. Tell students that they will learn more about these concepts in Estructura . Notas culturales • Tell students that the puente de Alcántara has been standing since Roman times. • Explain that a hostal is a kind of lodging found in Spanish-speaking countries, somewhere between a hotel and a hostel. A hostal offers private rooms without all of the services of a hotel, so it costs less. It is usually family-run. • Mazapán ( Marzipan ) is an almond-paste candy made with sugar and eggs. It is very popular in Spain at Christmastime, but it is eaten year-round in Toledo. Categories Have students list words and phrases they hear in the episode in these categories: travel ( playa , viaje , vacaciones , mar ), weather ( buen tiempo , calor ), and lodging ( reservación , habitación , camas ). Small Groups Have students work in groups of four to prepare a skit to present to the class. In the skit, two friends check in to a hotel and decide what to do for the rest of the day. Students should specify what city they are visiting, describe their hotel, and explain what activities they want to do while they are visiting the city. Expresiones útiles la campana bell caribeño/a from the Caribbean el desayuno breakfast Disculpa Forgive me dulce sweet extrañar to miss el hostal guesthouse igual just the same judío/a Jewish musulmán, musulmana Islamic próximo/a next el puente bridge sonar to ring Toledo Toledo es conocida como la ciudad de las tres culturas porque los cristianos, los musulmanes y los judíos vivían juntos ( lived together ) allí. Hay iglesias, mezquitas ( mosques ) y sinagogas. La ciudad es considerada Patrimonio de la Humanidad por la UNESCO. ¿Conoces ( Do you know ) una ciudad con tantas influencias comoToledo? OLGA LUCÍA Buenos días.Tenemos una reservación. EMPLEADA ¿A nombre de quién? VALENTINA Valentina HerreraTorres. EMPLEADA ¡Venís en buen tiempo!Todavía no está haciendo mucho calor. JUANJO ¡Está perfecto para ir a la playa! 3 VALENTINA ¡Está sonando La Gorda! LOS DEMÁS ¡¿La qué?! VALENTINA ¡La campana! La llaman La Gorda porque es la más grande de España. SARA ¡Chicos! ¡Allí está Juanjo! ¿Ya estás de buen humor? JUANJO Sí, ya. Disculpa, es que extraño el mar. OLGA LUCÍA Bueno, tengo que tomar una foto de Juanjo feliz enToledo. 6 PERSONAJES SARA JUANJO OLGA LUCÍA VALENTINA MANUEL EMPLEADA 193 Las vacaciones ciento noventa y tres Í í .T r r i . r i I l ti r r T r . ¡ í ti !T í t i l r. ¡ t rf t r ir l l ! I ¡ t r ! ¡ ! I ¡ ! l r r l r . ¡ i ! ¡ l í t j ! t r í, . i l , tr l r. Í B , t t r f t j f li T l . Interpersonal Communication Interpersonal o unication Presentational Communication Presentational o unication