Teacher’s Edition • Lesson Five 185 Culture. Give new perspectives. ¿Cuáles son los destinos turísticos populares en América Latina? ¿En tu país? ¿En otros países que conoces? ¿Por qué son populares? ¿Qué destino quieres visitar? Structure. Use grammar as a tool. Focus on presenting words in context and on personalized activities. Cuando estás de vacaciones, ¿qué te hace feliz? ¿Qué te pone enojado/a? Synthesis. Pull it all together. For each skill area, focus on the personalized activities that are provided, e.g. Contestar , p. 215, Tema , p. 216, Preparación and Aplicación , pp. 218, 219. Can Do Goals Review the list of communicative goals with your students. Point out that this lesson will provide them with the tools necessary to achieve these goals. You may also share the IPA task, found on page 222, so that students become familiar with the final communicative task they will be expected to complete. Integrated Performance Assessment Before teaching this chapter, review the Integrated Performance Assessment (IPA) on page 222. Use the IPA to assess students’ progress toward proficiency targets at the end of the chapter. Producto Have students look at the picture and ask them what they think of the mototaxis . Discuss the question as a class. Ask: ¿Te gustaría hacer turismo en mototaxi? ¿Por qué? Compare mototaxis with a tourist transportation system in your community. 5 6 4 Teacher Resources Assessment • Vocabulary Quizzes / Grammar Quizzes • Optional Testing Sections: Fotonovela , Flash cultura , Panorama • Prueba A-B-C-D-E-F with audio • Tests and Exams Answer Key / Oral Testing Suggestions Scripts and Translations Textbook Audio Scripts / Grammar Tutorials / Fotonovela / En pantalla / Flash cultura Additional Tools for Planning and Teaching Essential Questions / I Can Worksheets / IPAs and Rubrics / Lesson Plans / Middle School Activity Pack / Pacing Guides 5 Las vacaciones Can Do Goals By the end of this lesson I will be able to: • Participate in a conversation about planning a trip • Participate in a conversation about checking in to a hotel • Describe how people feel • Say what people are doing at specific times • Describe people and places I will also learn about: Culture • Popular tourist destinations in Spanish-speaking countries • Machu Picchu as a tourist destination • Puerto Rico’s geography and culture Skills • Reading: Scanning • Writing: Making an outline • Listening: Listening for key words Lesson 5 Integrated Performance Assessment Context: A new online publication in Spanish is giving away a trip to a luxury hotel. You and a classmate work together to submit a contest entry. Mototaxi en La Habana, Cuba Producto: Los mototaxis son un medio de transporte popular de los turistas en Cuba. ¿Cómo se transportan los turistas en tu ciudad?