184 Teacher’s Edition • Lesson Five Lesson 5 Six-step Instructional Design See pages T34-T35 for additional details on how to use the six-step instructional design in your classroom. Context. Make it personal. Ask students to provide whatever Spanish words and short phrases they know that relate to the context: “Think about ‘vacations.’ What Spanish words come to mind?” Vocabulary. Put it into words. Connect the word study in Step 1 with what students see on pages 186–187. Ask: ¿Qué palabras reconoces? ¿Qué crees que significa “viajero”? Media. Bridge experiences. Before watching the Fotonovela episode ask: ¿Adónde van de vacaciones los amigos? En tus vacaciones, ¿prefieres ir a la playa o al campo? ¿Por qué? A primera vista Here are some additional questions you can ask: ¿Cómo te gusta pasar las vacaciones? ¿Prefieres viajar o quedarte en casa? ¿Te gusta pasar las vacaciones con tus amigos o con tu familia? Essential Questions Discuss the questions as a class. Tell students that they will learn about travel and vacation in Spanish-speaking countries in Fotonovela, Cultura, and Flash cultura. Overarching Theme Contemporary Life: Travel and Leisure 1 2 3 Teacher Resources Presentation Digital Images • Las vacaciones • Las estaciones • El tiempo • Puerto Rico Grammar slides: Estructura 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5.4 Practice and Communicate • Information Gap Activities • Activity Pack Practice Activities (with Answer Key) • Additional Vocabulary (Más vocabulario sobre las vacaciones) • Digital Image Bank (travel) • Surveys: Worksheet for classroom survey Forums on allow you and your students to record and share audio messages. Use Forums for presentations, oral assessments, discussions, directions, etc. A primera vista • ¿Dónde están las personas: en la playa o en una ciudad? • ¿Son viejos o jóvenes? • ¿Duermen o trabajan? • ¿Qué crees que van a hacer ahora? Essential Questions 1. How do weather, climate, and geography affect the activities we do? 2. What are popular vacation destinations in Spanish- speaking countries and how do they compare with popular vacation spots in my country? 3. Do cultural differences affect our expectations of the ideal vacation experience?