Describir Work with a partner and use the present progressive to describe what is going on in this Spanish beach scene. 5 Conversar Imagine that you and a classmate are each babysitting a group of children. With a partner, prepare a telephone conversation using these cues. Be creative and add further comments. 6 Preguntar With a partner, take turns asking each other what you are doing at these times. 1. 5:00 a.m. 3. 11:00 a.m. 5. 2:00 p.m. 7. 9:00 p.m. 2. 9:30 a.m. 4. 12:00 p.m. 6. 5:00 p.m. 8. 11:30 p.m. 4 Comunicación ¿Qué están haciendo? A group of classmates is traveling to San Juan, Puerto Rico for a week-long Spanish immersion program. In order for the participants to be on time for their flight, you and your partner must locate them. Your teacher will give you each a handout to help you complete this task. 7 Estudiante 1 Estudiante 2 Say hello and ask what the kids are doing. Tell your partner that two of the kids are running and dancing in the house. Tell your partner that you are tired and that two of the kids are watching TV and eating pizza. Tell your partner you have to go; the kids are playing soccer in the house. Say hello and tell your partner that two of the kids are doing their homework. Then ask what the kids at his/her house are doing. Tell your partner that one of the kids is reading. Tell your partner that one of the kids is sleeping. Say goodbye and good luck ( ¡Buena suerte! ). uni ación Síntesis Estudiante 1: ¡Hola, Andrés! Son las ocho de la mañana. ¿Qué estás haciendo? Estudiante 2: Estoy desayunando. modelo ▲ Nearly 60 million tourists travel to Spain every year, many of them drawn by the warm climate and beautiful coasts. Tourists wanting a beach vacation go mostly to the Costa del Sol or the Balearic Islands, in the Mediterranean. Which are the most popular beaches in your country? NOTA CULTURAL I CAN ask and answer questions about what people are doing at specific times of the day. Enrique Iván Dra. Núñez Georgina Felipe Sra. Morales Sr. Cantú Sr. Morales 203 Las vacaciones doscientos tres Isabel Allende: novelas Rachel Ray: televisión, negocios ( business ) James Cameron: cine Venus y Serena Williams: tenis Joey Votto: béisbol Nelly Furtado: canciones Dwight Howard: baloncesto Las Rockettes de Nueva York: baile ¿Qué están haciendo? María and her friends are vacationing at a resort in San Juan, Puerto Rico. Complete her description of what everyone is doing right now. 2 Personajes famosos Say what these celebrities are doing right now, using the cues provided. 3 Shakira Shakira está cantando una canción ahora mismo. Completar Alfredo’s Spanish class is preparing to travel to Puerto Rico. Use the present progressive of the verb in parentheses to complete Alfredo’s description of what everyone is doing. 1. Yo (investigar) la situación política de la isla ( island ). 2. La esposa del profesor (hacer) las maletas. 3. Marta y José Luis (buscar) información sobre San Juan en Internet. 4. Enrique y yo (leer) un mensaje de texto de nuestro amigo puertorriqueño. 5. Javier (aprender) mucho sobre la cultura puertorriqueña. 6. Y tú (practicar) el español, ¿verdad? 1 1. Alejandro y Rebeca 4. Celia y yo 3. Yo 2. Javier 6. Lorenzo 5. Samuel bailar cantar correr escribir hablar hacer jugar preparar ¿? ¿? A ▲ ▲ Práctica For more information about Puerto Rico, see Panorama , pp. 220–221. modelo Isabel Allende Rachel Ray James Cameron Venus y Serena Williams Joey Votto Nelly Furtado Dwight Howard Las Rockettes de Nueva York ¿? ¿? B CONSULTA AYUDA 202 Lección 5 doscientos dos Visually engaging and carefully scaffolded formats Notas culturales sidebars expand coverage of the cultures of Spanish- speaking peoples and countries. Práctica sections include contextualized, personalized activities. Comunicación sections feature pair and group activities for interpersonal and presentational practice. Síntesis activities integrate the current grammar point with previously learned material, providing built-in, consistent review and recycling. Incorporate additional in-class games and activities for beginning-level students from the Middle School Activity Pack . T25 Teacher’s Edition • Walkthrough