¡Atención! When the stem of an -er or -ir verb ends in a vowel, the present participle ends in -yendo . Ir , poder , and venir have irregular present participles ( yendo , pudiendo , viniendo ). Several other verbs have irregular present participles that you will learn later. -Ir stem-changing verbs have a stem change in the present participle. The present progressive Both Spanish and English use the present progressive, which consists of the present tense of the verb to be and the present participle of another verb (the -ing form in English). Form the present progressive with the present tense of estar and a present participle. FORM OF ESTAR + PRESENT PART ICIPLE FORM OF ESTAR + PRESENT PART ICIPLE Estoy pescando. Estamos comiendo. I am fishing. We are eating. The present participle of regular -ar , -er , and -ir verbs is formed as follows: INF INI T IVE STEM ENDING PRESENT PART ICIPLE hablar habl- -ando habl ando comer com- -iendo com iendo escribir escrib- -iendo escrib iendo e:ie in the present tense e ➞ i in the present participle e:i in the present tense o:ue in the present tense preferir pref i riendo conseguir cons i guiendo dormir d u rmiendo 5.2 INF INI T IVE STEM ENDING PRESENT PART ICIPLE leer le- -yendo le yendo oír o- -yendo o yendo traer tra- -yendo tra yendo e ➞ i in the present participle o ➞ u in the present participle - ir stem-changing verbs Communicative Goal: Ask and answer questions about what people are doing at specific times ANTE TODO VERIFICA Está sonando La Gorda. Estoy viendo el mapa. 200 Lección 5 doscientos Estar with conditions and emotions As you have already learned, the verb estar is used to talk about how you feel and to say where people, places, and things are located. Estar is also used with adjectives to talk about certain emotional and physical conditions. Use estar with adjectives to describe the physical condition of places and things. La habitación está sucia. La puerta está cerrada. The room is dirty. The door is closed. Use estar with adjectives to describe how people feel, both mentally and physically. ¡Atención! Two important expressions with estar that you can use to talk about conditions and emotions are estar de buen humor ( to be in a good mood ) and estar de mal humor ( to be in a bad mood ). abierto/a aburrido/a alegre avergonzado/a cansado/a cerrado/a cómodo/a confundido/a open bored happy; joyful embarrassed tired closed comfortable confused contento/a desordenado/a enamorado/a (de) enojado/a equivocado/a feliz limpio/a happy; content disorderly in love (with) mad; angry wrong happy clean listo/a nervioso/a ocupado/a ordenado/a preocupado/a (por) seguro/a sucio/a triste ready nervous busy orderly worried (about) sure dirty sad Provide the present tense forms of estar , and choose which adjective best completes the sentence. 1. La biblioteca (cerrada / nerviosa) los domingos por la noche. cerrada 2. Nosotros muy (ocupados / equivocados) todos los lunes. 3. Ellas (alegres / confundidas) porque tienen vacaciones. 4. Javier (enamorado / ordenado) de Maribel. 5. Diana (enojada / limpia) con su hermano. 6. Yo (nerviosa / abierta) por el viaje. 7. La habitación siempre (ordenada / segura) cuando vuelven sus padres. 8. Ustedes no comprenden; (equivocados / tristes). está 5.1 Adjectives that describe emotions and conditions ANTE TODO ¡INTÉNTALO! Communicative Goal: Describe how I and other people feel To review the present tense of estar , see Estructura 2.3 , p. 87. • • • To review the present tense of ser , see Estructura 1.3 , p. 46. CONSULTA Yo estoy aburrido. ¿Estás feliz? estructura 5 Lección 5 ¡Inténtalo! offers students their first practice of each new grammar point. Carefully designed charts and diagrams call out key grammatical structures and forms, as well as important related vocabulary. Sidebars connect previous and current learning. Photos from the Fotonovela show grammar in context. Clear and concise explanations followed by visually appealing examples. Grammar as a tool not a topic Grammar Tutorials feature guided instruction to keep students on track and ensure comprehension. El profesor provides a humorous, engaging, and relatable approach to grammar instruction. Walkthrough T24 Teacher’s Edition • Walkthrough