UNIT X UNIT 4 | 155 B Comprehension Answer the questions. 1. What is another word for “branch”? 2. What are the three branches of the US government called? 3. Which branch of the federal government includes the president? 4. Where is the US federal government? C Making connections Look at the graphic organizer. What information can you add? The judicial branch is the courts and its judges. Courts decide arguments about laws. They make sure the laws are fair. The highest court is the Supreme Court. There are nine judges on the Supreme Court. They are called justices. They work in the Supreme Court Building. executive branch legislative branch judicial branch responsibility lead the country people President and cabinet building the White House UNIT 4 155 CON22_3_SE_U04_154-155_CSS.indd 155 30/10/2020 13:47 FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT DIFFERENTIATED INSTRUCTION Scaffold Copy the graphic organizer in large format onto the board. Model finding text evidence about one branch of government and writing it on a sticky note. Together determine where to put the note on the chart. Continue with additional sticky notes, eliciting responses from students as much as possible. Amplify Have students work in small groups to prepare presentations about the branches of government. Provide students with access to images to share in their presentations and time to practice. Remind students to use presentation skills such as making eye contact with the audience and speaking with formal language. Write: Use vocabulary Complete the sentences. The federal government has _____ branches. The judicial branch makes sure that laws are _____. Read closely Once students have listened to the text twice, give them a chance to read it closely in pairs. Remind students to pay attention to the words in bold type and to use the strategies they have learned to determine the meaning using visual and context clues. Summarize informational text Ask students to summarize the text for a partner. Then work with the class to generate a brief summary of the central ideas in the text and write it on the board. Ensure that students can identify the three branches and briefly describe what they do. B Build academic language proficiency Read aloud the questions. Have students work in pairs and answer the questions, referring to the text to find evidence. ANSWERS 1. part; 2. They are called the executive branch, the legislative branch, and the judicial branch. 3. executive branch; 4. It’s in Washington, D.C. C • Use a graphic organizer Echo read the row and column headings and review how to read the organizer. Ask a volunteer to read the information listed under executive branch. Work together to revisit the text to find the first piece of information. Then have students work in pairs to find information in the text and complete the chart. Remind students to use the structure of the text (3 parts) to help them locate information more quickly. ANSWERS legislative branch: makes laws, Congress (senators and representatives), the US Capitol Building judicial branch: makes sure laws are fair, justices; the Supreme Court Building. Make connections Help students connect the roles of people in government to the roles of people who work in a school. Have students work in small groups to identify adults who work in your school. They should use a graphic organizer like the one on page 155 to list the different jobs and aspects of each job. For example, column headings could include teacher, custodian, principal and row headings could include responsibility, location, job tools. Practice Book p. 83 Assessment Program p. 69 PRACTICE COMMUNICATE UNIT 4 / CONNECT TO SOCIAL STUDIES