UNIT X UNIT 4 | 153 B Use the vocabulary Match the word and the definition. 1. attack a. to fight an attacker to keep someone safe 2. danger b. to use violence to hurt another 3. defend c. an unsafe situation 4. protect d. to keep someone safe from being hurt C Discuss 1. Which animal lives in a pack? 2. Which animal lives in a herd? 3. How do elephant families help each other? 4. Which animal makes a circle before it attacks? 5. Which animal makes a circle to protect the babies? D Making connections What other animals live together? What do they do together? UNIT 4 153 CON22_3_SE_U04_152-153_CS.indd 153 30/10/2020 13:48 FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT DIFFERENTIATED INSTRUCTION Scaffold Review sentences in which the new terms occur. Provide additional practice using the new terms in cloze sentences. For example: Older animals _____ and _____ the younger ones. Mother elephants watch for _____. Some animals work together to _____ other animals for food. Amplify Have students work in pairs to generate additional academic vocabulary about animals working together. Have them identify at least four new words and create a visual glossary of terms, illustrating each one and writing phrases or complete sentences to explain their meanings. Talk and Write: New vocabulary Ask and answer in pairs: What are some new words from the lesson? Write: Choose one new word from the lesson. Write a sentence using the word. Write: Write two reasons animals live in groups. B Use contextual support to develop vocabulary Echo read the terms and definitions with students. Then have students work in pairs to find the same terms in bold type in the text. Remind students to use context clues to determine the meanings of the words. Model if necessary. Then have pairs match the terms and definitions. ANSWERS 1. b 2. c 3. a 4. d C • Exchange information Discuss question 1 as a class. First, ask a volunteer to explain the meaning of the term pack. Have the class gather in one area of the classroom to illustrate the term. Emphasize that different animal groups have specific names for the group, such as pack or herd. Tell students to point to the word(s) in the text that support their responses. Have students complete Activity C in small groups. ANSWERS 1. wolf; 2. elephant; 3. Elephant mothers and sisters take care of each other’s babies. Older elephants defend babies from danger. 4. wolf; 5. elephant D • Use visual cues Tell students to look at the photo of the deer. Ask: Who knows what these animals are called? (deer) What are the deer doing? (eating and watching) What clues tell you that they are working together? Help students understand that the adult deer are watching something in the distance while the young deer eat. • Use new academic language Discuss the questions in Activity D to confirm understanding. Then provide access to resources and have students work in small groups to answer the questions. Reconvene and have groups use academic language to describe what they discovered. ANSWERS Sample answer: Bees live together. They make honey. Practice Book p. 82 Assessment Program p. 68 PRACTICE COMMUNICATE UNIT 4 / CONNECT TO SCIENCE