UNIT X 152 | UNIT 4 Some animals live in groups. These groups can be big or small. Animals live in groups for different reasons. Animals can work together to find food. They can work together to defend themselves. They can also help each other when their environment changes. • Female elephants live in groups called herds. A family has a mother, daughters, and sisters. Family and friends are important to elephants. They spend time with each other and they help each other. For example, elephant mothers and sisters take care of each other’s babies. The older elephants also defend the babies from danger. They make a circle around the babies. This protects the babies from danger. • A wolf group is called a pack. A pack has parents and young pups. The pack protects the pups. Wolf packs work together to find food. They search for food together. Then they make a circle around an animal and attack. Young wolves watch and learn. Animals That Work Together Animal Groups A Read the informational text. Why do some animals live in groups? ? ESSENTIAL QUESTION CONNECT TO Science UNIT 4 152 CON22_3_SE_U04_152-153_CS.indd 152 30/10/2020 13:48 Instructional Routine: Science p. Txxx Animal Groups A • Activate prior knowledgeShow pictures of animals alone and in groups and ask students to describe them. Say: We have been talking about human communities. What do you know about animal communities? Make a list of responses on the board. • Culture note Students who have lived in other places may have experience seeing different animal or insect groups in person than what they might be able to see in their current community. Invite students to describe their experiences using their home languages if they prefer. • Understand genreAsk: What do you know about informational texts? Write information on the board and discuss its meaning. Then add -al and talk about how the meaning changes. Say: Informational texts share information with the reader. • Preview the text Read the title aloud and have students skim the text for words in bold type. Ask volunteers to describe the photos. Remind students to use these features while they listen to help them understand the text. • Listen for understanding Play the audio once. Ask students to listen the first time for a general understanding. • Listen actively Play the audio a second time, asking students to follow the text closely as the audio plays. Essential Question: Why do some animals live in groups? Cite text evidence Ask students to read and discuss the Essential Question in pairs. Remind students to look for evidence in the text to support answers. Elicit and write ideas on the board. ANSWERS Animals can work together to find food. They can work together to defend themselves. They can also help each other when their environment changes. Younger animals in the group can learn from older animals. EXPLORE AND LEARN UNIT 4 / CONNECT TO SCIENCE DIFFERENTIATED INSTRUCTION Scaffold • Be aware that defend, protect, and attack are English-Spanish cognates. In Spanish, defend is defender, protect is proteger, and attack is atacar. • Reinforce the meaning of new vocabulary for students. Write the words in bold type on the board. Then use photos and pantomime to provide additional comprehensible input. For example, pantomime baring your teeth and lunging for attack. Amplify Give students access to resources so they can research elephants or wolves. Have students work in pairs to find photos of the animal groups and information about why they live in groups. Direct students to create short presentations using the photos and information they find. Remind students to make eye contact with the audience and speak with appropriate rate, volume, and intonation while they present.