UNIT X UNIT 4 | 151 C Answer the questions. Use proper nouns. 1. What is your teacher’s name? 2. What is your favorite place to visit in your community? 3. What is your favorite holiday? 4. What river, lake, or other place do you want to visit? WORD STUDY Suffixes -ful and -ly A suffix is a letter or letters added to the end of a word. A suffix changes the meaning of a word. -ful -ly -ful means full of -ly means in a certain way We will be careful not to get dirty at the farm! The people at the farm are friendly. A Add the correct suffix, -ful or -ly, to change each word. Then say a sentence with the new word. 1. hope 2. friend 3. care 4. real 5. final B Complete each sentence with information about you and your life. Then share your answers with a classmate. I am hopeful that it will be sunny tomorrow. 1. I am hopeful that . 2. is friendly. 3. I am careful when I . 4. is really fun to do. UNIT 4 151 CON22_3_SE_U04_148-151_CLA.indd 151 30/10/2020 13:49 UNIT 4 / CONNECT TO LANGUAGE ARTS FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT DIFFERENTIATED INSTRUCTION Scaffold • Keep in mind that not all languages use affixes to form new words from other words. • Provide a word bank with words ending in -ly and -ful and their roots (for example, light/ lightly, soft/softly, cheer/cheerful, color/colorful). Use the words to generate sentences in a shared writing experience. Amplify Direct students to write journal entries containing at least three words with suffixes -ly and/ or -ful. Have students brainstorm topics or expand upon sentences from Activity B. C Demonstrate understanding of proper nouns Model how to respond to the first question with a complete sentence. On the board, write My teacher’s name is _____ and have a volunteer complete it. Then have students answer remaining questions independently. Sample answers: 1. My teacher’s name is Mr. Martinez. 2. My favorite place to visit is Sunset Park. 3. My favorite holiday is Thanksgiving. 4. I want to visit Lake Michigan. WORD STUDY: Suffixes -ful and -ly Understand suffixes Read the information aloud. Then write help/ful on the board. Say: This word has two parts. Underline each part with your finger. Circle -ful and say: Suffixes are letters added to the end of a word to change the meaning of the word. What is the suffix in this word? (-ful) Discuss the meanings of help and helpful. Repeat with slow/ly. Echo read the information in the chart and brainstorm additional examples together. A Spell words with suffixes -ful and -ly Have a volunteer model how to rewrite item 1 on the board. Ask: What is a sentence that uses the word hopeful? Support students in sharing several examples. Then have pairs complete Activity A. ANSWERS 1. hopeful; 2. friendly; 3. careful; 4. really; 5. fi nally B Use adverbs in sentences Read aloud the directions and point out that students should complete the sentences independently with information about themselves. Then have students share their answers in pairs. ANSWERS Sample answers: 1. I am hopeful that it will not rain tonight. 2. My father is friendly. 3. I am careful when I ride my bike. 4. Playing with friends is really fun to do. Practice Book p. 81 Assessment Program p. 67 EXPLORE AND LEARN PRACTICE COMMUNICATE COMMUNICATE Write: Proper nouns and suffixes • Write: List 5 proper nouns. Use capital letters correctly. • Edit this sentence. Capitalize proper nouns. ms. cheng lives on felix street. • Copy these sentences. Choose the correct word. My sister plays loud / loudly on the piano. I was thankful / thank to have extra time.