UNIT X 150 | UNIT 4 Tools for Writing Proper Nouns Use nouns to name people, places, or things. common nouns any person, place, or thing proper nouns a specific person, place, or thing a girl Sonia a town Phoenixville a street Bridge Street Proper nouns always begin with capital letters. Proper nouns name things like titles of people, holidays, geographic names, and geographical places. • Mr. Allen • Children’s Day • the Fox Theater • Mount Lemmon A Rewrite the sentences. Capitalize the proper nouns. 1. The santa monica mountains are in california. 2. My teacher’s name is ms. tran. 3. We go to the movies on new year’s day. 4. The springfield city hall is next to the library. B Rewrite the paragraph. Capitalize the proper nouns. On independence day, my family goes to the beach. We get on the bus at hilltop park. We take the bus to alamitos beach. Sometimes our neighbor comes with us. His name is mr. alvarez. We eat dinner at the beach and wait for the fireworks. CONNECT TO Language Arts 150 UNIT 4 CON22_3_SE_U04_148-151_CLA.indd 150 30/10/2020 13:49 Instructional Routine: Tools for Writing p. Txxxv Tools for Writing: Proper Nouns • Understand common nouns and proper nouns Ask: What do you know about nouns? Read aloud the explanation and draw students’ attention to the first column of the chart. Say: A common noun names any person, place, or thing. Discuss the examples and ask students to provide additional examples. Then point out the second column. Say: A proper noun names a specific person, place, or thing. Discuss how the proper noun Sonia names a specific girl. Ask volunteers to discuss the other examples. • Read aloud the text below the chart. Copy the list onto the board. Say: These are all proper nouns. They name people, holidays, and places. Underline the capital letters as you read each proper noun aloud. A Identify proper nouns Read aloud item 1 and copy it onto the board. Ask a volunteer to identify and capitalize proper nouns. (Santa Monica Mountains; California) Then have students complete the rest of Activity A independently and check their responses with a partner once they have finished. ANSWERS 1. The Santa Monica Mountains are in California. 2. My teacher’s name is Ms. Tran. 3. We go to the movies on New Year’s Day. 4. The Springfield City Hall is next to the library. B Capitalize proper nouns in context Read aloud the paragraph while students follow in a whisper read. Remind students to identify which nouns name specific people, places, or things. Then have students complete Activity B independently. Ask volunteers to share answers, and have classmates explain whether they agree or disagree and why. ANSWERS On Independence Day, my family goes to the beach. We get on the bus at Hilltop Park. We take the bus to Alamitos Beach. Sometimes our neighbor comes with us. His name is Mr. Alvarez. We eat dinner at the beach and wait for the fireworks EXPLORE AND LEARN PRACTICE UNIT 4 CONNECT TO LANGUAGE ARTS DIFFERENTIATED INSTRUCTION Scaffold Not all languages have the same capitalization rules as English. Work together to identify and underline names of holidays, locations, and people, focusing on the meaning first. Then go back and work together to underline letters that should be capitalized. Emphasize that proper nouns are names, like students’ names, and should be capitalized. Amplify Direct students to brainstorm places they would like to visit and people (family members, historical figures, etc.) they would bring along. Then have students write paragraphs about these visits. Remind students to capitalize proper nouns in their paragraphs. Have partners check each other’s work for correct capitalization.