UNIT X 148 | UNIT 4 UNIT 4 Opinion Article A Read the opinion article. Community Field Trips Field trips are a fun way for us to learn about our community. In third grade, we need to learn about our government, our local history, and geography. There are three field trips we should go on. First, a field trip to city hall will teach us about our government. Our school is really close to city hall. We can walk there for our field trip! We can meet our local leaders there. We want to learn about their jobs. It will be interesting. Next, we need to know about our local history. Smithfield Farm is a historic farm. The people at the farm are friendly. They will teach us about life in our community one hundred years ago. We think life was hard long ago. We will be careful not to get dirty at the farm! Finally, we also need to learn about geography in our community. The Connecticut River is the largest river in our city. It is beautiful. It is also important to our community. In the past, farmers used the water. Now, our community uses the water to make electric power. These field trips are a good way to learn about our community! How can students learn about their community? ? ESSENTIAL QUESTION CONNECT TO Language Arts 148 High Frequency Words city school learn should need CON22_3_SE_U04_148-151_CLA.indd 148 30/10/2020 13:49 Instructional Routine: Language Arts p. Txxix Essential Question: How can students learn about their community? Ask the Essential Question and give students a chance to discuss their ideas in pairs before sharing with the whole group. ANSWERS Sample answers: Students can learn about their community by studying its history. Students can learn about their community by doing activities in their neighborhood. High Frequency Words Identify and read high frequency words Have a volunteer read aloud the list of words. Call on individual students to find each word in the classroom list of high frequency words, point to it, and read it aloud. Distribute sticky notes and tell students to mark these words as they read the text. A Opinion Article • Recognize and analyze genre Tell students they will read an opinion article. Ask: What is an opinion? Briefly discuss that an opinion is the way a person thinks or feels about something. Point out that opinion articles have an opinion statement and facts that support it. • Preview and predict Have students preview the title, photo, and article. Ask: What opinion do you think this article is about? Tell students that they will listen to the article more than once so they can check and confirm their predictions. Then play the audio, asking students to listen for the general idea before looking at the words. • Listen actively Play the audio a second time, this time asking students to read along silently and check their predictions. Have volunteers share whether their predictions were correct. B Demonstrate understanding by responding to questions Read aloud the sentences. Clarify unfamiliar vocabulary by revisiting it in context. Then have students work in pairs to use information from the article to complete Activity B. ANSWERS 1. They are a fun way to learn about their community. 2. They want to visit city hall, Smithfield Farm, and the Connecticut River. 3. They will learn about a river. 4. It’s a historic farm. Practice Book p. 79 UNIT 4 / CONNECT TO LANGUAGE ARTS DIFFERENTIATED INSTRUCTION Scaffold Provide students with sentence stems to respond to Activity B. Model how to find information from the article and make notes for question 1. Then use the stem and your notes to answer the question. Support students as they continue with remaining questions and stems. Students want to go on these field trips because_____. Three places the students want to visit are_____. The geography they will learn about is_____. Smithfield farm is_____. Amplify Have students brainstorm places they want to visit on a field trip and select their favorite one. Then they should jot down notes about it and use their notes to write an opinion statement. Next, direct students to write complete sentences that provide 2–3 reasons why they think the location will be a good place for students to learn about the community. Ask students to present their ideas to a small group. EXPLORE AND LEARN