UNIT X UNIT 4 | 147 A Read the schedule. Choose the correct adverb of time to complete each sentence. 1. (Yesterday / Today), we learned about the history of the river. 2. (Now / Tomorrow), we are walking to the river. 3. (Today / Yesterday), we will clean up at the river. 4. (Soon / Tomorrow), we will walk back to school. 5. (Tomorrow / Now), a driver will take the garbage to the landfill. B Think of a cleanup activity you could do in your community. Write sentences. Use adverbs of time. C Share your sentences with a classmate. Write the adverbs of time you hear. Tuesday TODAY Wednesday Thursday • learn about the history of the Hudson River • talk about cleaning up the environment • walk to the river • clean up at the river • walk back to school • take the garbage to the landfill GRAMMAR Adverbs of Time Adverbs of time show when an event happened. They show the time of events. yesterday today tomorrow now soon later UNIT 4 147 CON22_3_SE_U04_144-147_CG.indd 147 30/10/2020 13:51 UNIT 4 / CONNECT TO GRAMMAR FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT DIFFERENTIATED INSTRUCTION Scaffold Write yesterday, today, tomorrow, before, now, and after on six index cards. Point to each card, and read it aloud, having students repeat. Arrange the cards in two rows of three: the days on top and before, now, and after on the bottom. Point to today and now say: Today is right now. Repeat with yesterday/before and tomorrow/after. Support comprehension by using a calendar. Invite students to share the words in their home languages. Challenge students to create schedules that illustrate the cleanup activities they wrote about. Provide them with blank calendar pages to list events for each day. GRAMMAR: Adverbs of Time Understand adverbs of time Ask students to choral read the adverbs in the box. Use visuals, such as the clock and calendar, as well as gestures, to support students’ understanding of the terms. For example, point to the current date on a calendar and Say: Today is _____. Then point to the following day and Say: Tomorrow is _____. A • Interpret graphs and charts Read aloud the schedule as students follow along. Say: This is a schedule. It shows what day different things will happen. Which day will the children walk to the river? What will they do Thursday? Talk through additional examples as needed. • Identify adverbs of time Have students work independently to copy the sentences and choose the correct adverbs. Ask volunteers to share their answers. ANSWERS 1. Yesterday; 2. Now; 3. Today; 4. Soon; 5. Tomorrow B Use adverbs in writing Prior to writing, brainstorm cleanup activities students might do in their community. Point out how to refer to the journal entry as a model for sentences with adverbs of time. Then have students complete Activity B independently. ANSWERS Sample answer: Yesterday we chose to clean up the Women’s Park. Today we will clean up garbage. Tomorrow we will plant new flowers. Later, they will grow. C Identify adverbs in a partner’s work Have students work in pairs. One person will read aloud their sentences, and the other person will identify the adverbs their partner used. ANSWERS Sample answer: Yesterday; Today; Tomorrow; Later Practice Book p. 78 Assessment Program p. 65 PRACTICE COMMUNICATE EXPLORE AND LEARN Write: Adverbs of time Write three adverbs of time. Use one adverb of time in a sentence.