UNIT X 146 | UNIT 4 Grammar in Action A Read the journal entry from a third grader in New York City. Hudson River Cleanup Our school studies the Hudson River in third grade. Yesterday, our class learned about the history of the Hudson River. We can walk to the river from our school! Today, we are at the river to clean up trash. Partners share big garbage bags. We walk along the river and pick up garbage. A lot of the waste is plastic bottles. We find lots of plastic bags. There are also plastic containers and straws. Soon our bags are full. We tie the bags closed. We put them in a truck. Tomorrow, a driver will take the bags to the recycling center and landfill. Later, we will talk about other ways we can help keep our river clean. B Use the vocabulary 1. Read and copy. I put my garbage in the garbage bag. • Circle the words about trash. 2. Read and copy. I put the plastic bags, straws, and plastic containers in different bags. • Circle the items the children find along the river. 3. Read and copy. First, we stop at the recycling center. Then, we go to the landfill. • Circle the places where you bring trash. 4. Read and copy. We need to clean up this trash. We need to pick up the plastic bottles and bags. • Circle the verbs that explain what you do with trash. CONNECT TO Grammar 146 UNIT 4 Tutorial CON22_3_SE_U04_144-147_CG.indd 146 30/10/2020 13:51 Grammar in Action A • Comprehend English expressions Read aloud the title of the journal entry. Display a map of New York City and point out the Hudson River. Say: Cleanup. What does it mean to clean up something? Guide students to understand that a cleanup is an occasion when people clean up something. • Use text features to predict Have students preview the text, focusing on the title, the words in bold type, and the photo. Ask: What do you see in the photo? Direct students to describe the image. Supply missing vocabulary. Say: Think about the title and the photo. What do you predict this text is about? • Understand genre Write Journal Entry on the board. Ask students to share what they know about journals. If necessary, clarify that someone writes a journal entry to tell about something they did or felt. • Listen for understanding Play the audio, directing students to listen for general understanding. Play it again, asking students to read silently and pay attention to the words in bold type and how context sometimes reveals their meaning. B • Use vocabulary Reiterate that the words in bold type in the text are important words. Echo read the directions and the sentences, and ensure all students are familiar with the new vocabulary. For item 4, remind students that a verb is a word that names an action. • Exchange ideas On the board, write I put my garbage in the garbage bag. Ask a volunteer to circle words about trash and pantomime the sentence. Have students discuss in pairs how they know that the terms garbage and trash mean the same thing. If necessary, point out that in the journal entry, partners clean up trash with big garbage bags. ANSWERS 1. Circle garbage and garbage bag. 2. Circle plastic bags, straws, and plastic containers. 3. Circle recycling center and landfill. 4. Circle clean up and pick up. PRACTICE UNIT 4 / CONNECT TO GRAMMAR DIFFERENTIATED INSTRUCTION Scaffold Provide visuals to help students understand unfamiliar vocabulary, including the words in bold type. You may wish to bring in objects (garbage bag, plastic container, straw), show photos (recycling center, landfill), and gesture (clean up, pick up) to solidify understanding. Amplify Have students write a journal entry that describes an activity they experienced recently at school or at home. Choose a familiar topic and write a model to share with students. At school we had a culture-sharing day. We celebrated the different cultures at our school. Students ate food from different countries. Parents came and made crafts with us. We sang and danced. Soon we will talk about all the different things we learned about each other’s home cultures. EXPLORE AND LEARN