UNIT X UNIT 4 | 145 A Choose the correct answer. 1. One (child / children) plays on the playground. 2. Four (person / people) carry the trees to the park. 3. There are 20 (tree / trees) in the trucks. 4. Two (baby / babies) play in the grass. 5. One (woman / women) takes pictures of the trees. 6. There are four (park / parks) in our community. B What do you see in your community on the way to school? Write sentences. Use singular and plural nouns. I see a park on the way to school. I see cars. I see buildings. For example, I see the library. C Share your sentences. Write the nouns you hear. Write S for singular or P for plural next to the nouns. man woman person men women people child children GRAMMAR Singular Nouns and Plural Nouns Use a singular noun for one person, place, or thing. Use a plural noun for more than one person, place, or thing. Add -s to make a noun plural. flower flowers For nouns that end in -s, -x, -ch, or -sh, add -es. bus lunch buses lunches For nouns that end in -y, drop the -y and add -ies. baby babies Some plural nouns are irregular. Other Irregular Nouns UNIT 4 145 CON22_3_SE_U04_144-147_CG.indd 145 30/10/2020 13:51 UNIT 4 / CONNECT TO GRAMMAR FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT Write: Singular and plural nouns • Circle the correct form of the noun. I read book/books at school. The pencil is 5 inch/inches long. She made a mess/messes in art class. She has two bunny/bunnies. • Write 3 new plural nouns. GRAMMAR: Singular Nouns and Plural Nouns • Identify nouns Write singular and plural on the board and determine whether the terms are familiar. Explain that singular means one of something (hold up one finger), while plural means more than one (wiggle all your fingers). Remind students that a noun names a person, place, or thing. Ask: What are some examples of singular nouns? Write responses on the board. • Distinguish between singular and plural nouns Discuss the examples of regular singular and plural nouns, pointing out the endings. Echo read the irregular plural nouns. Then go back and determine the plural forms of the nouns that students listed. A Apply knowledge of nouns Ask a student to read aloud item 1. Model referring to the context of the story to determine the correct answer. Read aloud the remaining items. Have students write their answers independently. ANSWERS 1. child; 2. people; 3. trees; 4. babies; 5. woman; 6. parks B Make connections Before writing, students should generate lists of things they see on the way to school. ANSWERS Sample answer: I see houses on my way to school. I see stores and the library. I see people and cars. C Identify nouns Have students share their sentences in pairs. One student should read their sentences while the partner writes the nouns they hear and labels them S or P. ANSWERS Sample answers: houses/P; school/S; stores/P; library/S; people/P; cars/P Practice Book p. 77 Assessment Program p. 65 PRACTICE COMMUNICATE EXPLORE AND LEARN DIFFERENTIATED INSTRUCTION Scaffold Some students may have difficulty remembering to add -s or -es to form English plurals. In many languages, singular nouns are not changed to create the plural form. Provide extra practice by working with students to identify plural nouns in familiar texts. Guide students to highlight correct plural-noun spellings in their own writing. Amplify Have students create comic strips showing their daily journey to school. Direct them to label their illustrations with singular and plural nouns.