UNIT X 144 | UNIT 4 Grammar in Action A Read the realistic fiction story. Trees for a Community Park Mateo lives near a park. The park doesn’t have any trees. Mateo wants beautiful trees. He writes a letter to the mayor. The mayor listens to his idea. Today, people in the community work together in the park. They plant new trees in the park. There are ten trees to plant. One person brings the trees in a truck. Men and women carry the trees from the truck to the park. Mateo plants one tree. Everyone claps for Mateo and his good idea. Then people dig holes in the ground for the trees. A man and woman put the trees in the ground. The children cover the holes with dirt. After they plant the trees, the children play in the park. The parents and babies sit under the trees. They watch the children play. Mateo helped make his community better. B Use the vocabulary Look at the picture. Write three sentences. Use three of these words. Words to Use plant dig ground dirt CONNECT TO Grammar 144 Tutorial UNIT 4 CON22_3_SE_U04_144-147_CG.indd 144 30/10/2020 13:51 Instructional Routine: Grammar p. Txxviii Grammar in Action A • Understand genre Preview “Trees for a Community Park” with students. Tell them that it is a realistic fiction story. Say: The last fiction story we read was historical fiction. This story is realistic fiction. What do you think realistic fiction is? Discuss with students, reinforcing the idea that realistic fiction includes imaginary people and events that are realistic or could be true. • Use text features to make a prediction Ask students to point out the text features. They should identify the title, the photo, and the words in bold type. Then have students predict what the text will be about. Ask: What is the title? What do you see in the photo? What are the words in bold type? What do you think this story is about? • Listen to media to build academic language Play the audio once, having students listen to gain a general understanding of the story without looking at the words. Then replay it, this time asking students to read along silently. Direct them to pay special attention to the words in bold type and their context. B • Use context to determine meaning On the board, write plant, dig, ground, dirt. Point out that several of the words (all but dirt) have multiple meanings. Model how to determine the meaning of the term plant in this context. Say: In the sentence “They plant new trees in the park,” the word plant is an action word. I know this because it follows the pronoun they and they must be doing something. I can infer from this that plant means to put trees into the ground. Gesture planting something. • Use the vocabulary Have students analyze the photo and discuss the writing activity in pairs before writing their sentences. Remind them to use three of the words in their writing. ANSWERS Sample answers: The boy plants a tree. He digs a hole. The dirt is brown. UNIT 4 / CONNECT TO GRAMMAR DIFFERENTIATED INSTRUCTION Scaffold Have students complete the writing activity in a small group. Review how to use context and visual clues to determine a new word’s meaning. Then model writing a sentence using one of the new vocabulary words. Say: The boy in the photo has a shovel. He’s using it to dig. The story says, “Then people dig holes in the ground for the trees.” I’ll write The boy digs a hole. Provide students with sentence frames to support their writing. In the spring, we _____ our garden. First, we have to _____ holes. Then we put seeds in the _____. Amplify Extend the writing task by having students write a new realistic fiction story using all four vocabulary words. Stories should focus on a different plot and character(s) and use the same meanings of the vocabulary words that are used in “Trees for a Community Park.” EXPLORE AND LEARN