UNIT X UNIT 4 | 143 Oral Language Sequence A Write the events in the correct sequence. The students shared their ideas with the parents. The school bought new playground equipment. The students shared their ideas with the principal. The students noticed a problem. The students chose four ideas. The students made a petition. 1. The students noticed a problem. B Retell details using the language frames. C In the cafeteria, students must clean up before recess. Discuss the steps they should take. Write the steps down together. Present the steps to another group. recycle paper and plastic put our trays away pick up our trash wipe the tables push in our chairs First, we pick up our trash. Then, … What happened first? First, the students noticed a problem. LANGUAGE FRAMES What happened (first / next / after that / at the end)? First, . Then what happened? Then / Next / After that, . Finally, . UNIT 4 143 CON22_3_SE_U04_142-143_COL.indd 143 30/10/2020 13:52 UNIT 4 / CONNECT TO ORAL LANGUAGE FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT DIFFERENTIATED INSTRUCTION Scaffold Present images that correspond with each of the clean-up steps. Model how to determine which step is first and place the image in front of students. Instruct students to put the images in order. Then have students label each image with a sticky note and use the sequenced images as a reference as they write the steps in order. Amplify Have students choose a multi-step activity they enjoy. After they select topics, direct students to use sequence words to describe the activity and present it to a classmate or small group. Write: Use sequence words • Write 3 sequence words. • Use the sequence words to retell three things you did today. Write complete sentences. Oral Language: Sequence A Retell information sequentially Write the sentences on sentence strips and hand them to volunteers. Guide students to organize classmates so that sentences are in sequence. Then have students work in pairs to write the sentences sequentially. ANSWERS 1. The students noticed a problem. 2. The students chose four ideas. 3. The students made a petition. 4. The students shared their ideas with the principal. 5. The students shared their ideas with the parents. 6. The school bought new playground equipment. B Language Frames Model using one frame to ask and answer questions. Then have pairs use the other frames to ask and answer questions. ANSWERS Sample answers: Student 1: “What happened first?” Student 2: “First, the students noticed a problem.” Student 1: “What happened next?” Student 2: “Next, the students chose four ideas.” Student 1: “What happened after that?” Student 2: “After that, the students shared their ideas with the principal and parents.” Student 1: “What happened at the end?” Student 2: “At the end, the school bought new equipment.” C Present ideas sequentially Have a volunteer read aloud the scenario. Direct small groups to rehearse their presentations before presenting to other groups. Model making eye contact and speaking with appropriate volume and intonation. ANSWERS Sample answer: First, we pick up our trash. Then we recycle paper and plastic. After that, we put our trays away. Next, we push in our chairs. Finally, we wipe the tables. Have pairs describe steps in an everyday activity, such as getting ready for bed, as they act them out. Direct students to use sequence words. Practice Book p. 76 Assessment Program p. 64 PRACTICE COMMUNICATE EXPLORE AND LEARN