UNIT X UNIT 4 | 141 Discuss the Reading A Discuss the questions. 1. Revisit your prediction Before you read the story, you made a prediction. What was correct? What was incorrect? 2. Recall details Sonia goes to the library. What does she learn about the theater? 3. Describe There is an event to save the theater. Who is in the street outside the theater? 4. Use text features Look at the pictures on pages 134–135. What do the signs say? 5. Problem and solution What is the problem with the theater? Who helps to solve the problem? 6. Characters How does Sonia feel at the beginning of the story? How does she feel at the end? 7. Assess How does Sonia’s plan help the community? 8. Respond to the essential question How can a community work together to solve a problem? B Making connections Make a connection between the story and yourself. • What do you want to change in your school or community? • Who can help you make this change? Our local playground is old. I want to change this. I want to … UNIT 4 141 CON22_3_SE_U04_140-141_AR.indd 141 30/10/2020 13:53 UNIT 4 / AFTER YOU READ FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT DIFFERENTIATED INSTRUCTION Scaffold Before writing their responses to Activity B, have students work in pairs to discuss changes they want to make in their school or community. Help students draw and label their ideas and select one to focus on. Direct students to use the model in their books to support their writing. Amplify Have groups role play presenting their ideas to their community’s mayor. One student can play the role of the mayor, and remaining students can present together. Emphasize the importance of speaking slowly and clearly, as well as making eye contact and using appropriate gestures. The mayor should ask relevant questions at the end of the presentation, with the presenters providing clear answers. Write: I can change my community Write about a change you want in your community. Discuss the Reading A Ask and answer questions Have students work in pairs to discuss the questions. Allow plenty of time for discussion before pairs share their ideas with the class. Remind students to point out where in the text they found evidence for their answers to questions 2–7. ANSWERS 1. Sample answer: I predicted that the girl helps save the theater. My prediction was correct. The theater opens. 2. She learns that it is an old theater. She also learns that many famous people performed there in the past. 3. many people from Phoenixville 4. The show must go on. Save the Colonial Theater. 5. The theater is old and needs a lot of repairs. The repairs are expensive. Sonia and her neighbors and friends help save the theater. 6. Sonia feels sad at the beginning of the story. She feels happy at the end of the story. 7. Sonia’s plan saved the community’s theater. It also saved the town’s history. 8. Sample answer: They can sign a petition. Then they can all give a little money. Everyone’s money together is a lot of money. They can also all work a little to solve the problem. Everyone’s work together is a lot of work. B Connect to self Have volunteers read aloud the directions and questions. Read aloud the sample text and remind students to use it as a model. Then have students work independently to write answers to the questions. ANSWERS Sample answer: I want to have a safe place for riding bikes and skateboards. The mayor can help me. Also, my family, friends, and teachers can help me. Practice Book pp. 72–75 Assessment Program p. 63 COMMUNICATE PRACTICE