UNIT X UNIT 4 | 137 Many people from the community are there. Sonia has a petition for everyone to sign. It says, “Save the Colonial Theater!” People sign their names on the petition. People give money to fix the theater, too. CHECK IN 1. Sequence What happens before people march on Bridge Street? 2. Make inferences How do people feel about the Colonial Theater? GLOSSARY petition a special letter from a group of people to ask for something UNIT 4 The Show Must Go On! 137 CON22_3_SE_U04_130-139_RD.indd 137 30/10/2020 13:53 DIFFERENTIATED INSTRUCTION Scaffold • Provide additional comprehensible input for the term petition. Create a brief example of a petition on the board, such as one that supports a longer lunch period at school. Draw lines for signatures. Read it aloud several times and have students echo you. Then have each student come to the board and sign the petition. Explain that by signing it, they are showing that they agree with what it says. • Culture note Ask students to share multiple-meaning words in their home languages. Direct them to write the words on the board and act out or illustrate meanings to provide comprehensible input for the class. Amplify Have students write a brief opinion paragraph in response to question 2. Together, brainstorm a word bank they can use for writing. Model an example paragraph, then give pairs a chance to discuss their ideas. Provide sentence frames, if necessary. People feel_____ because _____. _____ shows that _____. UNIT 54 / CREOANDNINECGT TO THE THEME • Use the vocabulary strategy Review with students that words can have multiple meanings. Write sign on the board and ask students to point to the word in the text. Help students identify the girl signing the petition. Then point to the picket signs. Say: Sign is used in two ways on this page. Direct students to identify the two meanings. • Retell to confirm understanding Have students work in pairs to retell the story thus far. Remind them to use words that signal order, such as first, then, after that, next, and a month later. Listen in to confirm students comprehend the story. Check In • Ask and answer questions Give students time to ask each other the questions and formulate answers. Then discuss answers as a class. • Draw conclusions Help students draw conclusions from text evidence. For example, say: People in the Phoenixville community make signs, sign the petition, and donate money to help the theater. What does this show about how they feel? Help students understand that these actions show that people care about the theater and want to save it. ANSWERS 1. The police close Bridge Street. 2. People are excited about it and think it’s a special place