UNIT X UNIT 4 | 135 Sonia gets to work. She has a plan! She asks her friends and neighbors to help. Her mother asks local businesses to help. Then, they make signs. The signs read: “The Show Must Go On!” GLOSSARY neighbors people who live near you CHECK IN 1. Problem and solution What is the problem with the Colonial Theater? 2. Sequence What does Sonia do after she meets with the mayor? UNIT 4 The Show Must Go On! 135 CON22_3_SE_U04_130-139_RD.indd 135 30/10/2020 13:53 DIFFERENTIATED INSTRUCTION Scaffold Be aware that some students may need a little more time to prepare their oral answers to the Check In questions. Read the questions aloud and then tell students to think about and formulate their answers in pairs before discussing them as a class. Amplify Have students brainstorm other ways that Sonia and her neighbors and friends could call attention to the Colonial Theater and help save it. Direct students to make a list of their ideas. Have them choose their favorite idea and present it to the class, explaining what it is and why they think it would be effective. UNIT 54 / CREOANDNINECGT TO THE THEME Reading • Make predictions Have students revisit their predictions. Say: Remember the prediction you made before we started reading The Show Must Go On!? Is your prediction correct? Do you need to change it? • Understand vocabulary in context Direct students’ attention to local on page 135. Ask: Who can remind us what local means? Let’s look at the words around it: Her mother asks local businesses to help. I see Sonia and her mother walking to neighbors’ houses and shops. They must live nearby. Have students explain what local means in their own words. If necessary, students can turn back to page 128 for a visual reminder. • Use text features to aid comprehension Review how to refer to the glossary to understand words in bold type. Then go back and reread the text to deepen understanding. Say: We learned that neighbors means people who live near you. That must mean that Sonia asks her friends and people who live near her for help. Remind students to use the glossary as they continue reading. • Play a game to confirm understanding of story events Tell pairs with mixed proficiency to discuss each vignette in the illustration on page 135. Then ask one pair to describe a vignette and have another pair identify the text it illustrates. Continue with remaining vignettes. Ask: How did looking at the illustrations help you check your understanding of the story? Check In Recall key details Discuss the questions as a class. Then have students respond to the questions independently, reminding them to locate key details in the text to support their responses. ANSWERS 1. It needs a lot of repairs. 2. Sonia makes a plan. She starts by talking to friends and neighbors. PRACTICE