UNIT X UNIT 4 | 129 b. sign, noun words or pictures that give information a. sign, verb to write your name on something Use the Vocabulary A Answer the questions. 1. Which vocabulary words are people? 2. Which vocabulary words show actions? 3. Which vocabulary words are places? 4. What is a local business in your community? Develop Vocabulary Multiple-meaning Words Multiple-meaning words have more than one meaning. Use pictures and context (other words in the sentences) to find the word’s meaning. A Match the sentences to the correct meaning for the word sign. 1. One day Sonia walks past the theater with her mom. There is a sign on the door. It reads: SAVE ME! 2. People sign their names on the paper. UNIT 4 129 CON22_3_SE_U04_126-129_BR.indd 129 30/10/2020 13:55 UNIT X4 / BEFORE YOU READ Use the Vocabulary A • Classify vocabulary Write teacher, walk, store, school on the board. Then create a three-column chart with headings people, actions, and places. Model how to identify one term for each category. Then have pairs answer questions 1–3. • Build content vocabulary Introduce the concept of a local business to students. Say: A business can be a place where someone sells things. It can also be a place that provides a service in exchange for money. A local business is a business that is near where you live. Provide examples of local businesses, such as nearby stores, auto repair shops, barber shops, and so on. • Connect to society Have students brainstorm local businesses. Then direct pairs to discuss their experiences with local businesses and answer question 4. ANSWERS 1. mayor, reporter, community; 2. fix, performed; 3. train station, stage, town hall; 4. Sample answers: shoe store, hair salon, restaurant Develop Vocabulary: Multiple-Meaning Words A • Build background knowledge Write bark on the board. Say: The word bark can mean different things. One meaning is part of a tree. Another is the sound a dog makes. Point out that readers need to use visuals and context to determine which is the correct meaning for the text they are reading. • Analyze vocabulary Have students listen to or read the sentences at least twice. Direct volunteers to point out examples of signs in the classroom. Then model signing something by drawing a signature line on the board and signing your name on it. ANSWERS 1. b; 2. a Make a list Have students work in pairs with mixed proficiency. Provide a word bank containing left, right, sink, fly, can, and hard. Direct students to create brief definitions, examples, and/or illustrations of each meaning. Remind students to identify at least two meanings per word. Practice Book pp. 67–68 Assessment Program p. 62 PRACTICE COMMUNICATE FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT DIFFERENTIATED INSTRUCTION Scaffold Some students may need additional support. Supply those students with at least two brief definitions for each word in the word bank. Read the words and definitions aloud, then have students choral read them. Have small groups match the definitions to the words. Amplify Direct students to use new vocabulary to write a flier advertising a made-up event in your town. Brainstorm ideas together, guiding students to choose events that lend themselves to vocabulary terms. Have students revisit the example sentences and images in Vocabulary in Context for inspiration. Say: This picture shows a train station. Who might be on the train? Talk and write: Communities Ask and answer in pairs: What is a community? Write the names of two people in your community. Write the names of two places in your community.