UNIT X 128 | UNIT 4 local The local stores in my town are small. community The people in my community are from many countries. stage The stage has red curtains. town hall Our community has meetings in the town hall. mayor The mayor is the leader of a town or city. reporter The TV reporter gives the news. performed The students performed in a school play. fix My mother will fix the broken table. train station The train is at the train station. Vocabulary in Context The story The Show Must Go On! includes these words. Which words do you already know? Tutorial UNIT 4 128 BEFORE YOURead CON22_3_SE_U04_126-129_BR.indd 128 30/10/2020 13:55 UNIT 4 / BEFORE YOU READ Instructional Routine: Vocabulary p. Txxiii Vocabulary in Context • Preview vocabulary Remind students of the vocabulary strategies they have learned, such as Use Visuals on page 7, Word Web on page 47, and Personalize Vocabulary on page 89. Have students preview new vocabulary by pointing out the terms and matching images. Say: Which of these words do you know? Direct volunteers to share responses. • Use illustrations to clarify word meanings Have volunteers read the example sentences and discuss the images to aid comprehension. Ask: How can the sentences and pictures help you understand new words? Use the vocabulary routine to teach any unfamiliar words. • Play a vocabulary game Create sets of vocabulary cards for each word by writing the word on one side and drawing a rough sketch on the other. Model choosing two cards and using them in a sentence. Say: I chose reporter and town hall. The reporter spoke with people in the town hall. Act out the scenario to provide comprehensible input. Then divide students into pairs and give each pair a set of cards. Direct pairs to work together to generate new sentences with the words and act out scenarios if sentences lend themselves to it. EXPLORE AND LEARN DIFFERENTIATED INSTRUCTION Scaffold Consider pairing students with higher levels of proficiency with students who have lower levels of proficiency. The students with higher levels of proficiency can serve as peer tutors who can prompt and reinforce language. Amplify Have students use new terms in written paragraphs about their own personal experiences. Display a model paragraph with the new terms underlined: I went into the city to see a play. We took the train from the train station in our community. We watched while actors performed on stage. We clapped. It was a great day!