UNIT X UNIT 4 | 127 Sequence Reading Strategy A sequence is an order of events. The sequence in a story tells which events happen in the beginning, middle, and end of the story. Some words that give you information about the the story’s sequence are: first next then after that finally Try Out the Strategy A Look at the pictures of Cesar. What does Cesar do after school? B Copy the graphic organizer. Write the sentences in order. • Cesar has a snack. • Cesar does his homework. • Cesar walks home. C Write sentences about Cesar. Use sequencing words First, Then, and After that. D What do you do after school? Write three sentences with sequencing words. First, Cesar …. Cesar … ACADEMIC VOCABULARY sequence(verb) Definition to put actions or events in order Example You can sequence the events in a story. UNIT 4 127 CON22_3_SE_U04_126-129_BR.indd 127 30/10/2020 13:55 DIFFERENTIATED INSTRUCTION Scaffold Support students’ understanding of using sequence words by providing sentence frames for Activity D. Brainstorm three events together and act them out. Then model how to say and write the events in sequence. First, I _____. Then I _____. After that, I _____. Amplify Ask students to extend their understanding of sequence by writing sentences that include additional sequence terms, such as next and finally. Have students build on the sentences they created in Activity D to write a paragraph that includes 3–4 activities they might do or wish to do after school. Academic Vocabulary Point out the Academic Vocabulary box and read it aloud. Act out a familiar sequence, such as putting on lace-up shoes. Write the steps out of order on sentence strips and hand them to volunteers. Have other students sequence their classmates then describe the steps using first, next, last. Then have students act out the steps as they use the signal words to explain what they are doing. Reading Strategy: Sequence • Build academic language proficiency Discuss the meaning of sequence in this context and point out the signal words. Say: Look for these words as you read. On the board, make a three-column chart labeled beginning, middle, end. Guide students to sort the words. • Sequence events Explain the reading strategy. Say: Use sequence words to help you understand the order of events. A Interpret images Have students look at the images in pairs and describe what Cesar is doing. B Use a graphic organizer Copy the graphic organizer onto the board. Review each sentence. Elicit which sentence belongs in the first box. Have students sequence remaining events in their own copies of the organizer. ANSWERS Cesar walks home. Cesar has a snack. Cesar does his homework. C Express text structure in writing Write sequence words on the board. Model using first: First, Cesar walks home. Students should complete the task on their own. ANSWERS First, Cesar walks home. Then Cesar has a snack. After that, Cesar does his homework. D Use language for sequencing Have students brainstorm what they do after school and complete Activity D independently. ANSWERS Sample answer: First, I go home. Then I play outside. After that, I do my homework. Assessment Program p. 61 EXPLORE AND LEARN PRACTICE COMMUNICATE UNIT X4 / BEFORE YOU READ