UNIT X 126 | UNIT 4 Community Buildings Use Prior Knowledge Cities and towns have community buildings. For example, usually there is a public library, a post office, a police station, and a town hall. A Make a list of community buildings. What activities happen in each building? The Colonial Theater Build Background You are going to read a story about a historic theater in Phoenixville, Pennsylvania. The theater opened in 1903. It had shows, such as magic shows. It also had movies. It closed in 1995. After that, people worked together. They wanted to open the theater again. Today, the theater has live performances and movies again. A Discuss the questions. 1. When did the theater open? 2. What do they have at the theater now? Image BEFORE YOURead UNIT 4 126 CON22_3_SE_U04_126-129_BR.indd 126 30/10/2020 13:55 Instructional Routine: Before You Read p.Txxiv Use Prior Knowledge: Community Buildings Preview images Read aloud the information about community buildings. Then direct students’ attention to the buildings on the page and review what they are called. Say: Many communities have a library, a police station, and a post office. If available, share photos of buildings from the local community. Briefly discuss the purpose of each one. A Answer questions Work with students to generate a list of community buildings. Have students look back at your idea map and recall previous discussions for ideas. Then ask students to describe what happens in each building. Say: At the library, people in the community can meet. They can borrow books. What other buildings are in your community? What do people do there? ANSWERS Sample answers: post office—mail letters; library—borrow books; town hall—find out more about the city; community center—play games Build Background: The Colonial Theater A • Preview Display a map of the United States and locate Pennsylvania. Say: We are going to read a story. It takes place in a community in Pennsylvania. Preview the questions with students. Tell students that they will read the paragraph to identify answers to these questions. • Identify details Have students read or listen to the text at least twice. Then read aloud the questions again and have students share responses. Direct students to identify evidence in the text to support answers. ANSWERS 1. It opened in 1903. 2. They have live performances and movies. EXPLORE AND LEARN PRACTICE DIFFERENTIATED INSTRUCTION Scaffold Emphasize to students that oral communication is very important in the classroom. Give students the opportunity to rehearse their responses with a peer before sharing with the group. Provide students with sentence frames as needed. The theater opened in _____. Now they have _____ at the theater. Amplify Have pairs take turns pretending to be tour guides and tourists in their community. Direct tour guides to name a local feature and describe it (for example, a fountain that serves as a gathering place). Direct tourists to ask questions about the buildings. Then have partners switch roles. UNIT 4 / BEFORE YOU READ