A Read the informational text. The federal government is the central government of the United States. It has three parts. They are called branches. Each branch has different responsibilities. The federal government is located in Washington, D.C. Washington, D.C., is the capital city of the United States. The Federal Government The legislative branch is Congress and its members. Congress has two sections: the Senate and the House of Representatives. Congress makes laws. Members of Congress are called senators and representatives. They represent their states. They work in the US Capitol Building. The executive branch is the president and cabinet. The president is the leader of the country. The cabinet works with the president. The president and cabinet work in the White House. The Three Branches of the Federal Government What are the branches of the US government? ? ESSENTIAL QUESTION CONNECT TO Social Studies UNIT 4 154 CON22_3_SE_U04_154-155_CSS.indd 154 30/10/2020 13:47 B Comprehension Answer the questions. 1. What is another word for “branch”? 2. What are the three branches of the US government called? 3. Which branch of the federal government includes the president? 4. Where is the US federal government? C Making connections Look at the graphic organizer. What information can you add? The judicial branch is the courts and its judges. Courts decide arguments about laws. They make sure the laws are fair. The highest court is the Supreme Court. There are nine judges on the Supreme Court. They are called justices. They work in the Supreme Court Building. executive branch legislative branch judicial branch responsibility lead the country people President and cabinet building the White House UNIT 4 155 CON22_3_SE_U04_154-155_CSS.indd 155 30/10/2020 13:47 Some animals live in groups. These groups can be big or small. Animals live in groups for different reasons. Animals can work together to find food. They can work together to defend themselves. They can also help each other when their environment changes. • Female elephants live in groups called herds. A family has a mother, daughters, and sisters. Family and friends are important to elephants. They spend time with each other and they help each other. For example, elephant mothers and sisters take care of each other’s babies. The older elephants also defend the babies from danger. They make a circle around the babies. This protects the babies from danger. • A wolf group is called a pack. A pack has parents and young pups. The pack protects the pups. Wolf packs work together to find food. They search for food together. Then they make a circle around an animal and attack. Young wolves watch and learn. Animals That Work Together Animal Groups A Read the informational text. Why do some animals live in groups? ? ESSENTIAL QUESTION CONNECT TO Science UNIT 4 152 CON22_3_SE_U04_152-153_CS.indd 152 30/10/2020 13:48 B Use the vocabulary Match the word and the definition. 1. attack a. to fight an attacker to keep someone safe 2. danger b. to use violence to hurt another 3. defend c. an unsafe situation 4. protect d. to keep someone safe from being hurt C Discuss 1. Which animal lives in a pack? 2. Which animal lives in a herd? 3. How do elephant families help each other? 4. Which animal makes a circle before it attacks? 5. Which animal makes a circle to protect the babies? D Making connections What other animals live together? What do they do together? UNIT 4 153 CON22_3_SE_U04_152-153_CS.indd 153 30/10/2020 13:48 Students can listen to audio recordings of the content-area texts. Connect to Social Studies • Social studies content and skills align with the National Council for the Social Studies Ten Themes. Connect to Science • Science content and skills align with grade-level NGSS standards. Connect to Language Arts • A variety of text genres help develop reading skills. • Students also learn and practice some tools for writing. ACADEMIC CONTENT CONNECTIONS Connect to Mathematics • Math content and skills align with grade level standards. We use units of length that are standard. In the metric system, the meter is a standard unit of length. Other metric units are smaller parts of a meter. They are in multiples of ten. 1 meter (m) = 10 decimeters (dm) 1 meter (m) = 100 centimeters (cm) 1 meter (m) = 1,000 millimeters (mm) We can also use standard units to measure weight and volume. In the metric system, gram is the standard unit for weight, and liter is the standard unit for volume. weight volume milligram milliliter centigram centiliter decigram deciliter gram liter Metric Units of Measurement A Read the informational text. B Compare the measurements. 1. Mara’s box is 5 centimeters wide. David’s box is 5 millimeters wide. Which is wider? 2. A baby mouse is 2 centimeters long. A baby frog is 10 millimeters long. Which is longer? 3. Louisa’s sign is 85 centimeters tall. Paul’s sign is 2 meters tall. Which is taller? How can we measure using the metric system? ? ESSENTIAL QUESTION UNIT 4 156 CONNECT TO Mathematics CON22_3_SE_U04_156-157_CM.indd 156 30/10/2020 13:46 C Look at the metric ruler. Identify a millimeter and a centimeter on the ruler. Then answer the questions. 1. You need to measure the length of a paper clip. Will you use meters, centimeters, or millimeters? 2. You need to measure the width of a paper clip. Will you use meters, centimeters, or millimeters? 3. You need to measure a person’s height. Will you use meters, centimeters, or millimeters? Choose the unit of measurement for each sentence. 1. To measure the volume of a bottle of water, I use (liters / centimeters). 2. To measure how heavy my backpack is, I use (grams / deciliters). 3. To measure how tall my friend is, I use (liters / meters). E Making connections Make a list of things in your classroom that you can measure. Will you use meters, centimeters, or millimeters? D length width UNIT 4 157 CON22_3_SE_U04_156-157_CM.indd 157 30/10/2020 13:46 The four content sections—Language Arts, Science, Social Studies, Mathematics—focus on building academic literacy. UNIT 4 Opinion Article A Read the opinion article. Community Field Trips Field trips are a fun way for us to learn about our community. In third grade, we need to learn about our government, our local history, and geography. There are three field trips we should go on. First, a field trip to city hall will teach us about our government. Our school is really close to city hall. We can walk there for our field trip! We can meet our local leaders there. We want to learn about their jobs. It will be interesting. Next, we need to know about our local history. Smithfield Farm is a historic farm. The people at the farm are friendly. They will teach us about life in our community one hundred years ago. We think life was hard long ago. We will be careful not to get dirty at the farm! Finally, we also need to learn about geography in our community. The Connecticut River is the largest river in our city. It is beautiful. It is also important to our community. In the past, farmers used the water. Now, our community uses the water to make electric power. These field trips are a good way to learn about our community! How can students learn about their community? ? ESSENTIAL QUESTION CONNECT TO Language Arts 148 High Frequency Words city school learn should need CON22_3_SE_U04_148-151_CLA.indd 148 30/10/2020 13:49 A Read the sentences. Which ones are facts? Which ones are opinions? 1. Field trips are a fun way for us to learn about our community. 2. We can meet our local leaders there. 3. Smithfield Farm is a historic farm. 4. The Connecticut River is the largest river in our city. 5. It is beautiful. B Find other examples of facts and opinions in Community Field Trips. C Write about your community. Write two facts and two opinions. My community is in a big city. My community is great! It has … B Talk about it 1. Why do the students want to go on these field trips? 2. What are three places the students want to visit? 3. What geography will they learn about? 4. What kind of farm is Smithfield Farm? TEXT ELEMENTS Fact and Opinion A fact is something that is true. An opinion is something that someone thinks or feels. fact opinion The mayor works at city hall. The mayor is friendly. Springfield is a city. Springfield is the best city. UNIT 4 149 CON22_3_SE_U04_148-151_CLA.indd 149 30/10/2020 13:49 Tools for Writing Proper Nouns Use nouns to name people, places, or things. common nouns any person, place, or thing proper nouns a specific person, place, or thing a girl Sonia a town Phoenixville a street Bridge Street Proper nouns always begin with capital letters. Proper nouns name things like titles of people, holidays, geographic names, and geographical places. • Mr. Allen • Children’s Day • the Fox Theater • Mount Lemmon A Rewrite the sentences. Capitalize the proper nouns. 1. The santa monica mountains are in california. 2. My teacher’s name is ms. tran. 3. We go to the movies on new year’s day. 4. The springfield city hall is next to the library. B Rewrite the paragraph. Capitalize the proper nouns. On independence day, my family goes to the beach. We get on the bus at hilltop park. We take the bus to alamitos beach. Sometimes our neighbor comes with us. His name is mr. alvarez. We eat dinner at the beach and wait for the fireworks. CONNECT TO Language Arts 150 UNIT 4 CON22_3_SE_U04_148-151_CLA.indd 150 30/10/2020 13:49 C Answer the questions. Use proper nouns. 1. What is your teacher’s name? 2. What is your favorite place to visit in your community? 3. What is your favorite holiday? 4. What river, lake, or other place do you want to visit? WORD STUDY Suffixes -ful and -ly A suffix is a letter or letters added to the end of a word. A suffix changes the meaning of a word. -ful -ly -ful means full of -ly means in a certain way We will be careful not to get dirty at the farm! The people at the farm are friendly. A Add the correct suffix, -ful or -ly, to change each word. Then say a sentence with the new word. 1. hope 2. friend 3. care 4. real 5. final B Complete each sentence with information about you and your life. Then share your answers with a classmate. I am hopeful that it will be sunny tomorrow. 1. I am hopeful that . 2. is friendly. 3. I am careful when I . 4. is really fun to do. UNIT 4 151 CON22_3_SE_U04_148-151_CLA.indd 151 30/10/2020 13:49 WALK-THROUGH Txii19