Oral Language Sequence A Write the events in the correct sequence. The students shared their ideas with the parents. The school bought new playground equipment. The students shared their ideas with the principal. The students noticed a problem. The students chose four ideas. The students made a petition. 1. The students noticed a problem. B Retell details using the language frames. C In the cafeteria, students must clean up before recess. Discuss the steps they should take. Write the steps down together. Present the steps to another group. recycle paper and plastic put our trays away pick up our trash wipe the tables push in our chairs First, we pick up our trash. Then, … What happened first? First, the students noticed a problem. LANGUAGE FRAMES What happened (first / next / after that / at the end)? First, . Then what happened? Then / Next / After that, . Finally, . UNIT 4 143 CON22_3_SE_U04_142-143_COL.indd 143 30/10/2020 13:52 list bored Come present your petition at the parent-teacher meeting! recess equipment petition LISTENING STRATEGY Sequence Listen for sequencing words. first after that then next finally These words help the listener understand the order of events. Presentation A Listen to three students give a presentation. The presentation is about a change they made at their school. B Use the pictures. Retell the story. CONNECT TO Oral Language UNIT 4 142 CON22_3_SE_U04_142-143_COL.indd 142 30/10/2020 13:52 Grammar in Action A Read the realistic fiction story. Trees for a Community Park Mateo lives near a park. The park doesn’t have any trees. Mateo wants beautiful trees. He writes a letter to the mayor. The mayor listens to his idea. Today, people in the community work together in the park. They plant new trees in the park. There are ten trees to plant. One person brings the trees in a truck. Men and women carry the trees from the truck to the park. Mateo plants one tree. Everyone claps for Mateo and his good idea. Then people dig holes in the ground for the trees. A man and woman put the trees in the ground. The children cover the holes with dirt. After they plant the trees, the children play in the park. The parents and babies sit under the trees. They watch the children play. Mateo helped make his community better. B Use the vocabulary Look at the picture. Write three sentences. Use three of these words. Words to Use plant dig ground dirt CONNECT TO Grammar 144 Tutorial UNIT 4 CON22_3_SE_U04_144-147_CG.indd 144 30/10/2020 13:51 A Choose the correct answer. 1. One (child / children) plays on the playground. 2. Four (person / people) carry the trees to the park. 3. There are 20 (tree / trees) in the trucks. 4. Two (baby / babies) play in the grass. 5. One (woman / women) takes pictures of the trees. 6. There are four (park / parks) in our community. B What do you see in your community on the way to school? Write sentences. Use singular and plural nouns. I see a park on the way to school. I see cars. I see buildings. For example, I see the library. C Share your sentences. Write the nouns you hear. Write S for singular or P for plural next to the nouns. man woman person men women people child children GRAMMAR Singular Nouns and Plural Nouns Use a singular noun for one person, place, or thing. Use a plural noun for more than one person, place, or thing. Add -s to make a noun plural. flower flowers For nouns that end in -s, -x, -ch, or -sh, add -es. bus lunch buses lunches For nouns that end in -y, drop the -y and add -ies. baby babies Some plural nouns are irregular. Other Irregular Nouns UNIT 4 145 CON22_3_SE_U04_144-147_CG.indd 145 30/10/2020 13:51 Grammar in Action A Read the journal entry from a third grader in New York City. Hudson River Cleanup Our school studies the Hudson River in third grade. Yesterday, our class learned about the history of the Hudson River. We can walk to the river from our school! Today, we are at the river to clean up trash. Partners share big garbage bags. We walk along the river and pick up garbage. A lot of the waste is plastic bottles. We find lots of plastic bags. There are also plastic containers and straws. Soon our bags are full. We tie the bags closed. We put them in a truck. Tomorrow, a driver will take the bags to the recycling center and landfill. Later, we will talk about other ways we can help keep our river clean. B Use the vocabulary 1. Read and copy. I put my garbage in the garbage bag. • Circle the words about trash. 2. Read and copy. I put the plastic bags, straws, and plastic containers in different bags. • Circle the items the children find along the river. 3. Read and copy. First, we stop at the recycling center. Then, we go to the landfill. • Circle the places where you bring trash. 4. Read and copy. We need to clean up this trash. We need to pick up the plastic bottles and bags. • Circle the verbs that explain what you do with trash. CONNECT TO Grammar 146 UNIT 4 Tutorial CON22_3_SE_U04_144-147_CG.indd 146 30/10/2020 13:51 A Read the schedule. Choose the correct adverb of time to complete each sentence. 1. (Yesterday / Today), we learned about the history of the river. 2. (Now / Tomorrow), we are walking to the river. 3. (Today / Yesterday), we will clean up at the river. 4. (Soon / Tomorrow), we will walk back to school. 5. (Tomorrow / Now), a driver will take the garbage to the landfill. B Think of a cleanup activity you could do in your community. Write sentences. Use adverbs of time. C Share your sentences with a classmate. Write the adverbs of time you hear. Tuesday TODAY Wednesday Thursday • learn about the history of the Hudson River • talk about cleaning up the environment • walk to the river • clean up at the river • walk back to school • take the garbage to the landfill GRAMMAR Adverbs of Time Adverbs of time show when an event happened. They show the time of events. yesterday today tomorrow now soon later UNIT 4 147 CON22_3_SE_U04_144-147_CG.indd 147 30/10/2020 13:51 Connect to Oral Language • Each unit provides opportunities for the development of listening skills and oral fluency. • A listening passage recycles vocabulary and introduces new thematic vocabulary. Animated Grammar Tutorials engage students by pairing grammar rules with fun explanations. Connect to Grammar • Each unit presents two grammar points and provides explicit grammar, usage, and writing instruction. • Writing activities, as well as pair and group work encourage communication. The listening passages are available online. WALK-THROUGH Txi 18