Preview To preview a text, look at the title and the pictures. Look at words in the pictures. 1. Read the title. What is a “show”? 2. Look at the pictures and the words in the pictures. What do they tell you about the story? 3. Predict What do you think the story is about? TEXT GENRE Historical Fiction The story The Show Must Go On! is historical fiction. It is an imaginary story (fiction). It also includes history or real events that happened in the past. In historical fiction there are: • real events from history • a mix of real and imaginary events • real settings • characters that seem real How can a community work together to solve a problem? ? ESSENTIAL QUESTION Reading UNIT 4 The Show Must Go On! 130 Reading CON22_3_SE_U04_130-139_RD.indd 130 30/10/2020 13:53 Sonia lives in Phoenixville, Pennsylvania. Phoenixville is an old town. It is more than 100 years old. There are many old buildings in Phoenixville. The train station is old. The post office is old. The Colonial Theater on Bridge Street is old. Sonia loves the old buildings. Sonia is sad because the theater is closing. Her mother tells her, “The theater needs repairs. The owner doesn’t have money to fix it. So, he has to sell it.” by Betsy Tecco The Show Must Go On! CHECK IN 1. Sequence What happens first in the story? 2. Facts What is one fact you learn on this page? GLOSSARY repairs something you do to fix things that are broken UNIT 4 The Show Must Go On! 131 High Frequency Words because old show tell want CON22_3_SE_U04_130-139_RD.indd 131 30/10/2020 13:53 Apply the Reading Strategy Sequence A Look at the pictures from the story. What happens first? What happens next? What happens after that? What happens last? B Copy the graphic organizer. Write notes about the sequence of events. C Tell a classmate about each event in your sequence chart. D Write a summary of the events. Use the notes from the graphic organizer. Use sequence words (First, Then, Next, After that, Finally). Picture A Picture B Picture C Picture D AFTER YOURead UNIT 4 140 CON22_3_SE_U04_140-141_AR.indd 140 30/10/2020 13:53 Discuss the Reading A Discuss the questions. 1. Revisit your prediction Before you read the story, you made a prediction. What was correct? What was incorrect? 2. Recall details Sonia goes to the library. What does she learn about the theater? 3. Describe There is an event to save the theater. Who is in the street outside the theater? 4. Use text features Look at the pictures on pages 134–135. What do the signs say? 5. Problem and solution What is the problem with the theater? Who helps to solve the problem? 6. Characters How does Sonia feel at the beginning of the story? How does she feel at the end? 7. Assess How does Sonia’s plan help the community? 8. Respond to the essential question How can a community work together to solve a problem? B Making connections Make a connection between the story and yourself. • What do you want to change in your school or community? • Who can help you make this change? Our local playground is old. I want to change this. I want to … UNIT 4 141 CON22_3_SE_U04_140-141_AR.indd 141 30/10/2020 13:53 What choices lead to wellness? ? ESSENTIAL QUESTION Preview To preview a text, look at the title, images, captions, diagrams, and charts. 1. What does the title tell you about the text? 2. What do the captions, diagrams, and charts tell you about the text? 3. Predict Look at the images. Predict what facts you are going to learn in the text. TEXT GENRE Informational Text The blog called Healthy Choices is an informational text. Informational texts include facts and information that teach you about a topic. When you read Healthy Choices, you will find: • facts and information about wellness • charts • pictures Reading 90 Reading UNIT 3 Healthy Choices CON22_3_SE_U03_090-099_RD.indd 90 11/5/20 3:41 PM Healthy Choices Monday, November 8 Welcome to my blog! This is my little sister. Her name is Eva. She’s a great kid. Every afternoon she chooses a snack. Does she always choose a healthy snack? No! She likes big portions of salty snacks. After she eats a snack, she watches TV or plays video games. She doesn’t run around outside. She makes unhealthy choices. Learn about healthy choices and wellness in my blog posts this week! GLOSSARY snack food that you eat between meals by Sarah Worthington CHECK IN 1. Main idea and details What is the main idea on this page? 2. Analyze language choices What specific words does the writer use to describe unhealthy choices? UNIT 3 Healthy Choices 91 High Frequency Words another mean name too well CON22_3_SE_U03_090-099_RD.indd 91 11/5/20 3:41 PM Students follow along with an audio recording of the text. The recording provides a model for pronunciation and fl uency. Reading • Students read literary and informational texts. • The text genre is introduced, followed by a preview of the reading selection. • Preview high frequency words. • Systematic Check In questions provide ongoing evaluation. After You Read • Apply the Reading Strategy and Discuss the Reading sections support reading comprehension and encourage students to express their ideas. WALK-THROUGH Tx 17