CONNECT TOTHE THEME The people in this community are working together. Look at the picture. 1. Who do you see? 2. What are they doing? 3. Is there a mural (wall painting) in your school or community? Describe it. MY GOALS for this unit Reading • Read historical fiction • Use sequencing Language Arts • Read an opinion text • Identify fact and opinion Science Describe animal groups Social Studies Recognize the three branches of the government Math Use metric units of measurement Music Listen and sing Art Draw a cityscape Writing Write about your community UNIT 4 125 CON22_3_SE_U04_124-125_UO.indd 125 30/10/2020 13:56 My Community BIG Idea People can work together to help their community. UNIT 4 124 Unit 4 CON22_3_SE_U04_124-125_UO.indd 124 30/10/2020 13:56 Community Buildings Use Prior Knowledge Cities and towns have community buildings. For example, usually there is a public library, a post office, a police station, and a town hall. A Make a list of community buildings. What activities happen in each building? The Colonial Theater Build Background You are going to read a story about a historic theater in Phoenixville, Pennsylvania. The theater opened in 1903. It had shows, such as magic shows. It also had movies. It closed in 1995. After that, people worked together. They wanted to open the theater again. Today, the theater has live performances and movies again. A Discuss the questions. 1. When did the theater open? 2. What do they have at the theater now? Image BEFORE YOURead UNIT 4 126 CON22_3_SE_U04_126-129_BR.indd 126 30/10/2020 13:55 Sequence Reading Strategy A sequence is an order of events. The sequence in a story tells which events happen in the beginning, middle, and end of the story. Some words that give you information about the the story’s sequence are: first next then after that finally Try Out the Strategy A Look at the pictures of Cesar. What does Cesar do after school? B Copy the graphic organizer. Write the sentences in order. • Cesar has a snack. • Cesar does his homework. • Cesar walks home. C Write sentences about Cesar. Use sequencing words First, Then, and After that. D What do you do after school? Write three sentences with sequencing words. First, Cesar …. Cesar … ACADEMIC VOCABULARY sequence(verb) Definition to put actions or events in order Example You can sequence the events in a story. UNIT 4 127 CON22_3_SE_U04_126-129_BR.indd 127 30/10/2020 13:55 local The local stores in my town are small. community The people in my community are from many countries. stage The stage has red curtains. town hall Our community has meetings in the town hall. mayor The mayor is the leader of a town or city. reporter The TV reporter gives the news. performed The students performed in a school play. fix My mother will fix the broken table. train station The train is at the train station. Vocabulary in Context The story The Show Must Go On! includes these words. Which words do you already know? Tutorial UNIT 4 128 BEFORE YOURead CON22_3_SE_U04_126-129_BR.indd 128 30/10/2020 13:55 b. sign, noun words or pictures that give information a. sign, verb to write your name on something Use the Vocabulary A Answer the questions. 1. Which vocabulary words are people? 2. Which vocabulary words show actions? 3. Which vocabulary words are places? 4. What is a local business in your community? Develop Vocabulary Multiple-meaning Words Multiple-meaning words have more than one meaning. Use pictures and context (other words in the sentences) to find the word’s meaning. A Match the sentences to the correct meaning for the word sign. 1. One day Sonia walks past the theater with her mom. There is a sign on the door. It reads: SAVE ME! 2. People sign their names on the paper. UNIT 4 129 CON22_3_SE_U04_126-129_BR.indd 129 30/10/2020 13:55 WALK-THROUGH Unit Opener •A Big Idea introduces the unit’s central concept. • A striking visual and Explore the Image questions activate prior knowledge. • My Goals introduce learning outcomes. Before You Read • An introduction to the reading activates prior knowledge and builds background. • A Reading Strategy supports reading comprehension. • Key words from the reading are introduced and practiced. • Vocabulary strategies are introduced. A Connect to the Theme video introduces the theme. • Vocabulary Tutorials provide practice and reinforcement. • Video Virtual Chats encourage students to develop listening and speaking skills. Tix 16