SCOPE ANDSEQUENCE 3 Unit 5 before you Read Reading after you Read connect to Oral Language connect to Grammar U The World Around Us page 164 BIG Idea Stories can explain what we see in the world around us. pages 166–169 • Use Prior Knowledge • Build Background • READING STRATEGY Visualize • Vocabulary in Context • Develop Vocabulary: Idioms in Context pages 170–179 Why Mole Lives Underground Retold by Mario Castro • Text Genre: Drama pages 180–181 • Apply the Reading Strategy: Visualize • Discuss the Reading pages 182–183 Description LISTENING STRATEGY Visualize pages 184–187 • the simple past tense • irregular past tense verbs Unit 6 before you Read Reading after you Read connect to Oral Language connect to Grammar U The Natural World page 204 BIG Idea Humans and the natural world are connected in many ways. pages 206–209 • Use Prior Knowledge • Build Background • READING STRATEGY Cause and Effect • Vocabulary in Context • Develop Vocabulary: Using Context Clues pages 210–219 Why Earthworms Help Farmers Retold by Betsy Tecco • Text Genre: Folktale pages 220–221 • Apply the Reading Strategy: Cause and Effect • Discuss the Reading pages 222–223 Reader’s Theater LISTENING STRATEGY Cause and Effect pages 224–227 • cause and effect sentences with so • compound subjects with and x SCOPE AND SEQUENCE 10 | SCOPE AND SEQUENCE