UNIT X 202 | UNIT 5 BIG Idea: Nature changes. • Engage in conversational exchanges Arrange children in groups. Read aloud the prompt. Write Nature changes on the board. Ask children to discuss the questions. Monitor to make sure children are participating equally, taking turns, and following rules for discussion. • If children have trouble thinking of changes in nature to discuss, have them look back through the unit at the topics they have covered. The pictures and content can help them form ideas. • Culture note Be aware that seasons change in different ways in different geographical areas. Children may not recognize the seasons as they are shown in the pictures. Tell children to describe changes in nature in their local area or in other places where they may have lived. Finish It! Share It! • Create clear and coherent grade appropriate speech and text Give children ample time to write their final draft neatly. Also give them time to practice reading their paragraph aloud. • Take turns Have children work with a classmate and take turns reading their paragraphs aloud. Remind them to listen closely to each other and ask questions. Write questions on the board as prompts, for example: Where is this place in nature? Do you like this place in nature? Why? Provide children with the self-evaluation sheet from the online teacher resources. COMMUNICATE FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT What I learned in this unit: How nature changes Write an informational paragraph about a change in nature. Draw a picture of a change in nature. Show how nature changes. Use words to label the picture. DIFFERENTIATED INSTRUCTION Scaffold Give children time to practice reading aloud their informational texts to help build their fluency and confidence before they present to the class. Amplify As children listen to each of their classmates present their informational text and picture, have children think of a wh- question to ask about each presentation. Allow the class time to ask their questions and discuss what they liked about each other’s work. Finish It! Share It! • Write your final sentences neatly. • Read your paragraph to a classmate. • Listen as your classmate reads. • Share what you learn. BIG Idea Nature changes. How does nature change? Talk about the weather and the seasons. Talk about how plants and animals change. CONNECT TO Writing UNIT 5 202 CON22_1_SE_U05_198-203_CWM.indd 202 30/10/2020 11:44 UNIT 5 / CONNECT TO WRITING