UNIT X UNIT 5 | 199 C • Identify topics through pictures Read aloud the directions. Tell children to study the picture and think about what it is about. This is the topic of the picture. Tell children that there is no right or wrong answer and that their topics will not all be the same. • Write wh- questions Tell children to copy the sentences on the page onto a piece of paper. First, they write their topic and then they write complete questions with the question words given. Look at the example together. Point to the picture and ask: Who are they? Elicit answers from multiple children. (Sample answers: They are kids on a field trip. They are campers. They are friends.) ANSWERS Sample questions: 1. Who are they? 2. What are they doing? 3. Where are they? 4. Why are they here/at the river? D Ask and answer wh- questions Arrange children in pairs. Have them take turns asking each other their questions and answering with their own ideas. Tell them to ask clarifying questions to extend the conversation. Practice Book pp. 108–109 Assessment Program p. 90 COMMUNICATE DIFFERENTIATED INSTRUCTION Scaffold In Activity C, allow children with lower language proficiency to pair up with children with higher language proficiency. Children with higher language proficiency can provide assistance with vocabulary and model question structure. Amplify Have children look back at the informational texts they have read in this unit. Tell them to choose one text and write one wh- question about it. For example, Who is Georgia O’Keeffe? What helps plants grow? Children share their questions in a group and answer them. FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT Write and talk: Ask questions Show children a picture from the unit (e.g., on page 189). Ask them to write 3 wh- questions about it. Show children a picture from the unit (e.g., on page 196). Ask 3 wh- questions about it for them to answer. C Look at the picture. Write questions. D Ask and answer your questions. Take turns. are they Topic Facts and details 1. Who ? 2. What ? 3. Where ? 4. Why ? UNIT 5 199 CON22_1_SE_U05_198-203_CWM.indd 199 30/10/2020 11:44 UNIT 5 / CONNECT TO WRITING