UNIT X UNIT 5 | 189 FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT DIFFERENTIATED INSTRUCTION Scaffold Spend more time on rhythm as necessary for children to understand. Provide instruments or allow children to use classroom supplies to create their own instruments. Chant the words to the song and show children how hitting two pencils together can also keep the rhythm. Amplify Challenge children to think of another line to add to the song. Write the language frames: ___ in the ___ ___ hear the sun’s first song. Tell children they must use alliteration in their lines, but nonsensical lines are acceptable. For example, Cats in the classroom hear the sun’s first song. Say and circle: Poetry What is a poem you know? Write the words. PRACTICE COMMUNICATE B Discuss rhythm in poems If children have trouble mimicking the rhythm while listening to the audio, say each line slowly as you clap and ask them to copy you. C • Match key words in poems to illustrations Ask: What is the first animal to hear the sun song? (birds) Say: Point to the word birds. Now point to the picture of the birds. Monitor that all children point correctly. • Discuss onomatopoeia in poems Ask: How do birds sing their morning song? Elicit the word chirp. Ask: What does a chirp sound like? Ask the children to chirp their morning song together. Repeat for ranitas (frogs), bees, and the wind. • Culture note When children make animal sounds, note that children from different language backgrounds may make different sounds. For example, chirping sounds different in every language! • Discuss author’s purpose Point out the word ranitas in the poem. Ask: Why is this word in italics? Elicit that it is a Spanish word. Ask: What is the English word? (frogs) Ask: Why did the author use the Spanish word ranitas instead of frogs? Elicit ideas and discuss as a class. D • Answer questions about key details Have children work in pairs to answer the questions about the poem. • Discuss repetition in poems When reviewing the answer to question 3, write on the board: repetition. Explain that this word is related to repeat. It means to say or do something over and over again. • Identify repetitive words in text Say: Poems often repeat certain words. What other poems have repetition? Remind them of Over the River and Through the Wood from Unit 4. ANSWERS 1. It is morning. 2. Birds, frogs, and bees are in the poem. 3. The poem repeats “hear the sun’s first song,” “morning song,” and “sun song.” E Act out oral statements Ask children to first talk with a classmate or in a small group and plan how to act out the poem. Then play the audio and have all of the children act out the poem with gestures and sounds. Practice Book p. 102 Assessment Program p. 86 B Listen again. Clap your hands to the rhythm of the poem. C Point to the animals. Say the sounds they make. D Read the poem again. 1. What time of day is it? 2. What animals are in the poem? 3. Which words does the poet repeat? E Act out the poem. UNIT 5 189 CON22_1_SE_U05_188-189_CLA.indd 189 30/10/2020 11:49 UNIT 5 / CONNECT TO LANGUAGE ARTS