UNIT X UNIT 5 | 183 FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT DIFFERENTIATED INSTRUCTION Scaffold To help children differentiate between wants and needs, provide labeled pictures. Cut out pictures of the following or similar items. Wants: a cell phone, a bike, a football, a guitar, a necklace, a book, etc. Needs: a plate of healthy dinner, a glass of water, a bed, clothes, the sun, etc. Label each vocabulary item to give children language for discussion and have them sort the pictures into piles of wants and needs. Amplify Challenge children to think of reasons why they need each item to be healthy. Add the language frames: Why do children need ___ to be healthy? Children need ___ to be healthy because ___. Talk and write: Healthy plants Write three things plants need to be healthy. EXPLORE AND LEARN Language Frames Write on the board: Q: What does a plant need to be healthy? A: A plant needs ___, ___, and ___. Have pairs ask and answer the question using the language frames. A • Communicate ideas Replace the words a plant in the language frames on the board with a child. Remind children to think about what a child needs to be healthy. Encourage them to think of their own ideas before looking at the book. • Student modeling Ask two children to model the conversation using the language frames on the board and their own ideas. • Use visuals to discover vocabulary Arrange children in pairs to ask and answer the question. Tell them to discuss the vocabulary shown on the page and use the ideas to answer the question. • • Compare and contrast Draw a Venn diagram on the board. Ask children to compare and contrast what plants and children need to be healthy. • Teacher modeling Elicit and write an example in each of the circles. Provide language frames to help children discuss how to complete the diagram. A plant needs ___. A child needs ___. A plant doesn’t need ___. A child doesn’t need ___. Both plants and children need ___. • Use a graphic organizer Explain to children that needs are things people must have to live and stay healthy. Ask children what they learned about a child’s needs. Record their responses in a T-chart under the heading Things I Need. Then explain that there are things that people might want, but they don’t need. Ask children to tell you about things they want, but don’t need. Write them in the chart under the heading Things I Don’t Need. • Have children write sentences about what they need and don’t need to be healthy: I need ___. I don’t need ___. Practice Book p. 99 Assessment Program p. 84 PRACTICE COMMUNICATE Write three things a child needs to be healthy. Ask and Answer A Ask and answer questions. Take turns. What does a child need to be healthy? food sleep love and family exercise A child needs exercise to be healthy. LANGUAGE FRAMES What does need to be healthy? A child needs to be healthy. UNIT 5 183 CON22_1_SE_U05_182-183_COL.indd 183 30/10/2020 11:51 UNIT 5 / CONNECT TO ORAL LANGUAGE