UNIT X UNIT 5 | 181 FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT DIFFERENTIATED INSTRUCTION Scaffold To demonstrate understanding of the Idea Map in A, ask children to create an illustrated version. Have them copy the diagram and the words in bold type. Instead of including the details as text, have them draw pictures. For example, they would draw sunlight, soil, and water for the detail: what plants need to grow. Amplify Challenge children who are able to reconstruct the main idea and details in the Idea Map into a paragraph. Tell them to use complete sentences with correct capitalization and punctuation, and to organize the details in a logical order. Write: I can take care of Earth. Write one thing you can do today to take care of Earth. EXPLORE AND LEARN Retell: Organize Details Use a graphic organizer Remind children of the idea maps they created about the seasons. Ask: What information is in an idea map? (the main idea and details) Ask volunteers to retell the main idea and details from the idea map about the seasons. (Refer to page 168 to review.) Explain that now they will read an idea map about Plants Grow! A • Identify main idea and details Ask children to read the idea map silently. Ask: What is a main idea? Elicit that it tells what the text is mostly about, or what the author wants the reader to know. Ask: What are details? Elicit that they are extra bits of information about the main idea. Ask children to point to the main idea in the idea map. Ask a volunteer to read it aloud. Then ask children to point to the details. Call on children to read them aloud. • Retell key details Have children work with a classmate to retell the information in Plants Grow! Tell them to use the sentences in the idea map. Ask: What do you say first? (the main idea) What do you say next? (the details) Tell children they should retell the details in the same order they were in the article. • Present rehearsed content Ask a volunteer to retell the text for the class. Reflect A Ask and answer Ask children to work with a classmate to describe each picture. Have children ask and answer the questions about each picture and record their answers. ANSWERS 1. Sample answer: In picture A, the boy and girl are planting a tree. In picture B, the machine is cutting down trees. 2. Sample answer: In picture A, they are helping Earth. In picture B, they are not helping Earth. B Communicate ideas Give children writing paper with room to draw. Ask them to write one thing they can do to take care of Earth on each piece of paper and draw a picture of it. Practice Book pp. 96–98 Assessment Program p. 83 COMMUNICATE PRACTICE Organize Details Retell A Retell the article. What is the main idea? What are the details? B List three things you can do to take care of Earth. Reflect A Look at the pictures. 1. What are the people doing? 2. Are they helping Earth? sunlight soil water what plants need to grow clean the air make the world pretty how plants help Earth provide food how plants help animals all over the world in the desert in the mountains in the ocean where plants grow Plants are living things. They are important. Idea Map A B UNIT 5 181 CON22_1_SE_U05_180-181_AR.indd 181 30/10/2020 11:51 UNIT 5X / AFTER YOU READ