UNIT X 174 | UNIT 5 Reading • Follow the instructional routine for reading. The following strategies are a sample routine. • Follow oral content Play the audio for pages 174–175. Ask children to listen to the text for general understanding without looking at the written words. • Match oral to written words Play the audio for pages 174–175 again. This time ask children to read along silently. • Imitate intonation, phrasing, and pace Play the audio for these pages a final time. Ask children to do a whisper read along with the audio, trying to match the speaker’s intonation, phrasing, and pace exactly. Repeat as necessary until children feel confident. Ask one or several children together to read the page aloud. Provide encouragement and feedback on children’ oral reading fluency. Reading Strategy: Key Words Identify key words Point out the highlighted word sprout in the text. As a review, ask: What is a sprout? Elicit the answer and ask children to point to the sprout shown in the photo. DIFFERENTIATED INSTRUCTION Scaffold Have children work in pairs. One child reads aloud the lines of text while the other child acts out the scene. Then pairs switch roles. Encourage children to be expressive and demonstrate understanding of the content through their actions. Amplify Home-School connection Ask children to plant seeds at home, following the information they have learned in the article. Ask them to keep a journal of their plant’s progress, writing down the date and each milestone the plant passes; for example, March 13: I see a sprout. A little plant grows out of the ground. It is a sprout. The sprout needs sunlight. It needs air. It needs water. It grows and grows. Reading 174 UNIT 5 Plants Grow CON22_1_SE_U05_170-179_RD.indd 174 30/10/2020 11:52 UNIT 5 / CREOANDNINECGT TO THE THEME